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8 Signs You Have A Vaginal Infection

Signs of a vaginal infection

About Me

I am a qualified natural nutritionist who has a passion for helping people learn to eat right and feel great. I hold a diploma in Natural Nutrition obtained in the UK from The College of Natural Nutrition, and I am currently studying towards a diploma in life coaching through New Horizons College UK.

Now then lovely ladies, it’s vital we get vaginal health savvy sooner rather than later, especially when it comes to understanding what is healthy and what is not down there. As so much is at stake if you have a vaginal infection and leave it untreated. Such as your amazing sex life to even being able to go onto have children when or if you decide to.

Also, so many vaginal infections are contagious and you don’t want to be the cause of someone else’s suffering. Nearly all vaginal infections can be resolved, but it all depends on how quickly you report your symptoms to have the best chance of being completely free of it.

Read on to find out if you could currently have a vaginal infection by checking your own symptoms against out list of common signs:

1. Vaginal Odor

A little bit of an intimate odour from your vagina (even if it is a little fishy), at the end of a busy day, is perfectly normal. As after all you do sweat in this area too and not just exclusively from your armpits. But even if after washing your vagina the smell is still there, or even if it is not a fishy smell but another smell – it is one of the many signs you could have a vaginal infection. Because whenever there is a constantly smelly vagina, it usually means inflammation is present. This inflammation is often a result from having an infection in or around the vagina.

2. Itchy Vagina

Occasional itching in this area is considered healthy and normal. But when you constantly have the urge to itch your lady bits, then see this as a sign that something is not right down there.

3. Vulvar Itching

The vulvar is the area of skin just outside the vagina. Again, when this itches from time to time it is perfectly normal. When the itching in the vulvar does not subside, starts to feel hot, or feels like it is burning – then this is when you want to worry as it could mean you have an infection.

4. White discharge

It is normal and healthy to get regular changes in vaginal discharge throughout the whole of your monthly cycle, so long as changes are consistent and both pain and blood free. This discharge is secreted by the glands and is a way for the body to get rid of unwanted cells and bacteria via the fluids here, to help keep the vagina healthy and free of infection.  But what is not considered normal is a very white discharge as this could be a sign of a vaginal infection. Especially when the white vaginal discharge is accompanied by a constant itching sensation, burning, pain in the abdominal region, back and/or pelvic areas plus mood swings. It is vital you get a diagnosis of what is causing your white discharge as possible causes can include a fungal infection, a sexually transmitted disease, a bacterial infection, pelvic disorders and diseases, and cervical issues.

5. Vaginal Thrush

Vaginal thrush is a very common yeast infection. Also known as candidiasis, yeast infections are known to develop in the moist and warm parts of your body such as the vagina, mouth and skin. Typical signs that show you have a thrush infection can range from pain when urinating, pain during intercourse, itching to a change in vaginal discharge. The discharge usually associated with thrush is a thick white discharge (closely resembling cottage cheese), or even a very watery discharge. Do note that a smell is not always present when you have a yeast infection.

6. Pain

This could be pain during sex, pain when urinating or even just pain as you are going about your normal day to day routine. Remember, pain in any of these circumstances is not normal, ever, and you should seek out a diagnosis as soon as possible from your naturopath, nutritionist or doctor, to rule out thrush, endometriosis and even cancer.

7. Bleeding in between Periods

Before you notice any bleeding, you would normally see a change in vaginal discharge first if it caused by an infection. But this is not always the case. Any bleeding in between periods should be treated as serious, as it could mean you have a sexually transmitted infection like chlamydia that requires urgent attention, or even cancer of the cervix or womb.

8. Symptomless Infections

If you are not having sex with the same person at all times, and are frequently changing sexual partners – you could have a vaginal infection without knowing it as some infections do not show any symptoms for many, any months – if ever. Even if you are using a condom, you can still be at risk of catching an infection. So, ensure you get tested every 3-6 months at your local sexual health clinic or with your gynaecologist to ensure you don’t have a silent infection, and if you do – to learn how to treat it a sap.

Please remember ladies, vaginal infections do not just disappear on their own. I recommend getting a diagnosis and then choosing a natural, side-effect free form of treatment. You should seek out a health expert as soon as symptoms start to ensure you have the best chance of treating what might be a vaginal infection, successfully. Plus, to rule out any other serious diseases that could damage both your vagina and internal reproductive organs.


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[…] Having Sex – If you engage in sexual intercourse, and say a yeast infection is causing this particular itch, it can make you itch even more. Ideally, wait for a few days until […]

10 years ago

Good post

10 years ago

Am not sexually active and want to know, if inserting the garlic will break my virginity

Adina Rivers
10 years ago
Reply to  Muna

Hello beautiful Muna, well first of all let me tell you that some women don’t even have a hymen (which corresponds to your virginity). Your hymen can break not just through sex but also through sports, tampons, accidents. This means that there is slight chance it can also break by inserting garlic. But some hymen are strong and don’t even break after the first sex. Every women is different. I hope this answer helped. If there is anything else I can be of help with, let me know. Hugs, Adina


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