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Self Love Archive

The 11 Most Perfect Yoga Bodies in the World

“You are imperfect; permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” Amy Bloom Yoga is an incredibly powerful practice helping us to embrace, heal and empower our bodies. And the more we love our bodies, the more we are able to love ourselves and others. Many though feel a lack of love towards their ...Read More

Dear Woman’s Breasts…

I apologize on behalf of every man who has treated you as less than the jewel that you really are. For the man shackled by his own internal battles, defeated by his self-knowing impotence, and for every grown toddler stuck in his driven purely by his territorial tendencies. I apologise on behalf ...Read More

Bye Bye Painful Periods! 7 Magical Ways To Relieve Menstrual Cramps FOR GOOD

A woman’s cycle is the epitome of her womanhood, and feminine expression. PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome, have gotten a bad rap. But what is the real story behind this bitchy mystery called PMS? There are varying contributing factors such as diet and hormone imbalances, but there is one major cause to PMS ...Read More

8 Life-Changing Transformations You Will Experience From Practicing Pole Dancing

Pole dancing opens your second chakra and allows energy to move freely throughout your whole body. Stepping into a pole dance class is much like entering a secret meeting. The room is dimly lit, the music sensual. Women dressed in minimal clothing are moving around the pole, on the floor, on chairs, ...Read More

The Ancient & Mysterious Art of Pussy Worship

A woman’s pussy  is a portal to life. It is a place from where all life originated. Our vaginas are called so many different names: “down there”, “pipi”, “cockpocket”, “hairy mussel”, “goodies”, “honey pot”, “kitty”, “pussy”. I bet you will agree that none of these nicknames really express the magic, power, and ...Read More

F*ck Love & Light! Your Darkness Is What’s Sexy

Your dark side is the new love & light..  “Love and Light” is a term commonly used by New Agers that is flung around like some kind of cover all, sweeping whatever has come before it in its passive aggressive fluorescent light. “I am only love and light. All I am is ...Read More

Why Some Vaginas Are Numb

“When women reconnect to their bodies, it is a total game changer. Everything can shift – their sexual expression, love life and even their financial picture.” I’m a sex educator who gets to work with a lot of women. Many of them are showing up in private sex coaching practices talking about ...Read More

F*ck Perfection! Embrace Who You Are ♡

Artist: Lilli Hill Fuck perfection! Fuck whatever society’s image of “beauty” is and embrace what you’ve got. Gone are the days of my box gap, flat tummy and toned tush. Gone are the nights when I would binge eat anything I could get my hands on, only to end up hunched over ...Read More

Different Is Sexy! This Badass Girl Will Prove It To You

Meet Kanya Sesser – an athlete, surfer, skateboarder and .. most of all a badass, sexy and insanely beautiful woman. Kanya was born without legs. She was adopted from an orphanage in Thailand when she was 5 years old. Instead of a wheelchair, this awesome babe uses a skateboard to get around ...Read More

She: The Sexually Empowered Woman

When she feels she does it with the courage of a lioness. She is sensual, grounded and connected to her own source of power. She walks with the confidence and grace of a sexually sovereign woman, connected to the well of Divine. She does not look for a man to complete her, ...Read More

Fuck The Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine

More than any sort of divinity what we as humans so desperately need is the freedom to be who we are, exactly the way we are, and to know that that is enough. As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed the other day I couldn’t help but notice all these articles ...Read More

The Pussy’s Cry to STOP Hard F**king

“The yoni is a central part of womanhood, life and sexuality. It is where we carry life for nine months, and our physical gateway to this earth. Despite her undeniably powerful presence… why is the physical abuse & aggression towards the yoni a trend in some industries? “Hit it with the left. Hit ...Read More