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The Sacred Purpose Of Orgasm

Alexandre cabanel

About Me

Lover of Life, Love & Sensuality. Optimist. Believer. Natural Beauty Advocate. Minimalist. Living life outside the box; where the magic happens.

Your scientists and doctors will tell you that an orgasm is a matter of blood and nerve endings. This physical explanation is not even the tip of the iceberg. Your orgasms take place in a realm that remains largely invisible to most of you.

The following words have been channeled by a psychic medium and are supposedly coming from an extra-terrestrial species called the Pleiadians … No, I am not nuts. So don’t even go there and stay with me.

The message is amazing, powerful & empowering and to me this is all that counts. I don’t care where it comes from. You might believe in other species alive in this universe or not, but the message hits the current zeitgeist. Read it. Just do it. And do it without any judgement.

Here you go:

The Sacred Purpose of Orgasm {a message from the Goddess Inanna}

In the Pleiades, we have always known and have always taught our children the sacred purpose of orgasm. This knowledge has been kept from you by the tyrant consciousness that has controlled this plane, third dimensional planet Earth, for the past 6,000 years.

The tyrants found that it was much easier to control your species if they brainwashed you with sexual guilt and suppressed your natural sexuality. The power that flows through your body is the same power that allows the rest of us (yes, you are not alone!) to access the myriad of nested layers of multidimensional realities that exist and have always existed all around you.

Doctors will tell you that an orgasm is a matter of blood and nerve endings..

Your scientists and doctors will tell you that an orgasm is a matter of blood and nerve endings. This physical explanation is not even the tip of the iceberg. Your orgasms take place in a realm that remains largely invisible to most of you. When you experience that sweet ephemeral pleasure you call orgasm, something is occurring in the invisible realm which is very powerful.

If you were able to see the waves of energy that pour from your bodies at the moment of orgasm, you would be very careful what you think about when this happens. There are waves upon waves of energy generated by your chakras (energy centers), your endocrine system, and your physical reactions.

Be very careful what you are thinking

These waves of energy correlate precisely to your thoughts, meaning your consciousness. As you release these frequencies, an entire package flows out into the invisible realms. This is why it is very important for you to be careful of what you are thinking at this moment.

Those who are foolish enough to tune into dark thoughts, such as pain and bondage, during their sexual experiences will find themselves plugged into a lower plane of consciousness with some very draining companions.

All those wonderfully hideous images painted in the Middle Ages will give you a good idea of the company you can expect to keep.

Your lust will increase, but it will never really be satisfied

Not only will you hook yourself up to some very nasty entities, but you will find your sexual experience limited and limiting. Your lust will increase, but it will never really be satisfied. Those lower dimensional forces which you have invited to feed upon your orgasmic display will not want you to move on.

They will always want more from you. This is why pornography, especially the victim style of pornography, has very big cooties! These negative draining parasitical entities can easily be felt even in cyberspace.

A Sacred Orgasm draws pure souls

If you want to use your experience to uplift you and your lover, then you both must focus on your mutual consciousness. Your endocrine system works in tandem with your chakras to emit waves of energy. These wave forms have the frequency and even color which correspond precisely with the level of your consciousness from your thoughts. These waves can be seen by those souls who are waiting in the invisible realms for an entry frequency.

In simple terms, if you want a child when you are in sexual union, your orgasm will attract the level of consciousness you are creating.

You will attract to you the type of consciousness you are generating. Magnetism is the law of the Invisible Realms: Like attracts like. The child/soul is attracted to a similar consciousness, meaning whatever thoughts you are having while you are making love.

Your orgasm is an exact expression of your consciousness

If you are drunk or on drugs, you will attract a soul from those realms. If you are angry or having some dark fantasy, then you will magnetize a soul from those realms. Consciousness is everything, even in the act of love making.

Even if you are not creating a child, you are still sending out masses of energy onto the Earth plane and into the Invisible Realms. This energy greatly effects everything, including the fertility of your fields, the quality of your lives, and what you call Nature. The energies of orgasm can lift the entire planet, if properly done.

Massive deep sacred orgasmic wave fields

It is very important to realize the differences between men and women in this matter. In the physical world, the woman is the receptive generator (yin) and the man is the creative instigator (yang).

If the man wants to enjoy the full and subtle nuances of Sacred Orgasm, he must patiently, sweetly, lovingly, and deliberately lift the frequencies of his lover. The fact is that when a woman generates massive deep sacred orgasmic wave fields, so will her partner. Their union will prolong his orgasm with hers.

If he allows himself, he will be able to tune into to her experiences, which he himself has fired and augmented. He will be carried away in the Bliss of their mutually created bliss, the cosmic waves of the true sacred orgasm.

You don’t know what you are missing if you are not experiencing this now. Not only that, but in fact the sacred orgasm is your Divine Right. Your beautiful bodies were designed for this in order to attract evolving souls into your plane, third dimensional planet Earth. The reptilian-based tyrants have kept you from this knowledge. They have imprisoned you in guilt and shame; you are ashamed of your bodies which are works of art.

You have no idea what your human bodies are capable of. You are like super computers with no users manual. But you will not be this way forever. The time of the tyrants will come to an end the moment you freely chose to stop giving your power to them. It is up to you.

Have fun! Inanna


C’mon, share your thoughts with me. Do you think I have gone nuts? Did you find some truth in the message? Do you think this is complete bullsh**?

Love, Adina

P.s. If you want to learn how to intensify your orgasmic potential and make your body more orgasmic check out the PUSSY EMPOWERMENT COURSE (for women) or the PENIS MAGIC COURSE (For Men)

P.P.s. To read more of this stuff follow MyTinySecrets on FACEBOOK, Youtube and Twitter

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[…] One woman was clocked at 56 orgasms at one sitting. Do you know what effect you would have on a woman you gave 56 orgasms to? She’d be yours as long as you wanted […]

Alec Boswijk
Alec Boswijk
7 years ago

Thanks for the usefull overview. Rather feeling judged for what I’m not doing right, I feel inspired to develop this potential even more. From my own experiences I can confirm that a more subtle but intense and sustainable ‘orgasm’ is within reach for all. I think it does require physical, emotional and mental cleansing, but this can be done in as many ways and steps as one chooses. I started the path, taking as many ups and downs as I needed. Being aware of this, open and compassionate to myself really helped me soothing the judgement around it and enjoying and living my life to the fullest.

7 years ago

Inanna would never have said any of these things (with the exception of the energy that is released which is what is used in Tantric Magic) the fact that she allegedly only said it to one UNNAMED person renders the entirety of the claim complete and utter bunk!

7 years ago

I have one question, what is the name of the psychic medium who allegedly channelled this message? Also this information is so important why did Innana not impart it upon the rest of us and only this one person? I’m sorry but I must call BS especially the part that cleans anyone who partakes or participate in BDSM is of a lower vibration!

7 years ago

“The reptilian-based tyrants have kept you from this knowledge. They have imprisoned you in guilt and shame; you are ashamed of your bodies which are works of art.”

I just thought this was really sweet to all the readers tbh

Bhumika T. Chopra
Bhumika T. Chopra
8 years ago

In Yoga the place of origin of the Kundalini powers in a human being is the genital organs (first chakra) it is from your genital organs that the kundalini powers start

Alexander Dukas
Alexander Dukas
8 years ago

Yet More New Age Bullshit Channelled-In From A Spiritual Entity Whom Apparently Has As Little Knowledge Of Evolutionary Biology As “It’s” Dimwitted Sales-Rep Whom Also Alleges The Existence Of Yet Another Satanic Entity That (Once Again) Is There To Let Humanity Off $cot-Free And A Benevolent Alien Species Who’s Main Purpose In Life Is Apparently To Kiss-Our-Ass, Never Use Contractions, And Lead-Us To The Light!

Alexander Dukas
Alexander Dukas
8 years ago

Meanwhile, Yet More New Age Bullshit Channelled-In From A Spiritual Entity Whom Apparently Has As Little Knowledge Of Evolutionary Biology As “It’s” Dimwitted Sales-Rep Whom Also Alleges The Existence Of Yet Another Satanic Entity That (Once Again) Is There To Let Humanity Off $cot-Free And A Benevolent Alien Species Who’s Main Purpose In Life Is Apparently To Kiss-Our-Ass, Never Use Contractions, And Lead-Us To The Light!

Forrest Carlton Lackey
Forrest Carlton Lackey
8 years ago

Wow. It’s like you might grow up in a traditional christian religion and learn that sex is sacred and shouldn’t be perverted. Then you go out, and if you wander away from that you realize that even new age space hippies agree that sex is spiritual and best left for committed and innocent lovers.

8 years ago

The author of this article is too stuck on form, instead of energy. You can experience Tantric orgasm without even having a partner, let alone this notion that only a heterosexual couple can cultivate it. Please do more research on Tantric practices, especially those of the Daoists, instead of watering it down with your heteronormative, homophobic interpretations.

It’s more than a little aggravating to see this misguided notion repeated over and over by new agers, that you can only complete your divine union with someone else’s sex, or someone with a specific physical configuration. If you’re working your energy channels, then it doesn’t matter what genitals a person has.

Jim Christian
Jim Christian
8 years ago

All true, except for none of this works with American women anymore and hasn’t for twenty years, at least that’s when I noticed the change. My Brazilian girsl, my last girl a Korea-born woman, another, from Thailand, they were VERY sexually, and spiritually attuned. American women are too leaned-in, aggressive or angry or have some attitude that prevents them from being receptive to waves of passion and energy. For all their feminist anger and energy, American women want to be treated as and act as if they were pron-stars, they want to be abused in bed, hair pulled, tied up, rape games, crap like that.

The American Way has done much to ruin the spirit of American-born women, and in bed is the biggest ruination. Gentle, sweet foreign-born women somehow have not been infected with all this poison-of-the-soul. They are capable of true joy and love and sexual energy in a way American women forgot, lost or never had many years ago. For American women, sex is a commodity and a currency, not a joy in and of itself. Sad, but true.

8 years ago

This makes sense to me and is in line with my personal experience. I have felt the existence of the spoken of “parasites” for some time, and have found that women can feel their negative presence on me when I have attracted them. From what I can tell of the other comments, people are confusing what is being said about the level of consciousness vs the form of sex. It is the level of consciousness that is key, not the form of sex. To understand more about the level of consciousness I recommend reading “Power VS Force” by David Hawkins.

I would like to know more about the Yin and Yang between the masculine and feminine. I have often felt like a surfer riding a big wave : )

Antony Galvan
Antony Galvan
8 years ago

Pure bullshit

Alex Kozlowski
Alex Kozlowski
8 years ago

I don’t know about the whole idea that you attract souls from certain realms based on your state of consciousness. From what I understand all souls are pure and in direct connection to the Source. So I’m not so sure about that. As for the whole orgasm idea I am sure it is true. Orgasm is an extremely powerful energetic expression and will certainly have strong effects on the collective energy field of both you and your partner and even the planet. So practicing things like Tantra can be great. Also the idea about Reptilian tyranny is true, yet they are simply doing their job. They are creating contrast to help us better understand who we are and what we want. And since all is ultimately one, it is actually us doing it to ourselves for the purpose of our own creative evolution. Boom!

Anika Goldfeather
Anika Goldfeather
8 years ago
Reply to  Alex Kozlowski

i feel what you are saying @alex_kozlowski:disqus

Lucas Thompson
Lucas Thompson
8 years ago

The entity being channeled is demonic. This demon wants to convince you to lust after the flesh. Seek first the kingdom of God.

Margus Waffa Meigo
8 years ago

BDSMis an hint that something can be more.. and you must find the guardian who brings you out from it..

well, ofcourse there is another bengs with aother ambissions.. and it does not apply to all, but for awarage human world as whole..

Margus Waffa Meigo
8 years ago

BDSM IS spiritual… but not just as the deepest expression of whole human potential spiritual.. BDSM is spiritualas it is technology from another spits.. and they have many ways to keep us there.. it can also be as a healing tool fro mpeople .. to come out from the traps and locks.. but the ones who just do BDSM for sake of plasure and all that.. not for healing.. well.. i hope you end up then in some proper entheogenic plants, that will show sensitivity and love size

8 years ago

Excuse you? My sexual fantasies are not wrong. I get off on pain and bondage and I’m not ashamed of it and I’m not going to let you guilt me into thinking they are because I’m “attracting negative spirits”. Nope. As another person said, you getting people to “thought-police” themselves during sex is just as bad as the religious and governmental officials telling you sex is bad and dirty and yucky. Sex should be a wonderful experience, and there’s no wrong way to do it besides doing something without the other persons’ consent. That’s it.

Margus Waffa Meigo
8 years ago
Reply to  Maddie

THere is NO relgious peple in world, who would have EVER telling you, that ” sex is bad and dirty and yucky “,
they just simply doe not excist, period.
It is a rebel teenagers and dark minds fantasy and inovation of broken minds. Anyone who is ACTUALLY religios, knows as basic, first step the Divinity of sexuallity so thats why they protect it, and some try to guide it… but mostly, the ones making bad image of it, is anti religious people (anti relgious means anti Nature, anti women, anti creation and women) who pretend to be relgious
(Like big part Lutherians i think personally, ..). In judaism sex is ONLY womens right and man duty from god is learn how to satisfy women, man was not even allowed to travel far away if that interfaired with the sexual demands of a wife, basic judaism abc. Women is a Queen. You know Jews, the ones behind bible.
And if people get off from things not on the line of love then they already are, in fact enslaved that body they live in to these spirits who deal with these kind of energy slaes in another mrkets, do greate real things out of this pain and torture.
JUst becouse we like something in outer layer, does not mean it is good, we can be triced and forced in to liking all kind of thngs that are against our core.

But we should use some proper dosages of psychdellic medicines, in nature.. and see.. if we still desire something else then holy sex. ..nothing to be shamed about, just matter of healing, the world.

Its not just Your body.. if you help with wrong behavor to keep alive not so good organizations.. who deal with this kind of confused energy.. then… well, what karma sais… your own doing

Dr LLoyd S. Gordon
Dr LLoyd S. Gordon
8 years ago

Scintillatingly beautiful thinking Adina! No, most assuredly, you have not gone bonkers in this instance. Do publish more on this at my site for the Quantum Organiculture Institute-Q.O.I. for the History and Development of The Terran Earth Human Civilization and Experimental Natural Medicine. I would like to make use of your kind of back-up information at my site also for presentations on why MARRI-AGE is better than MUTUAL-AGE which seeks to mimic and to equate with it.

Margus Waffa Meigo
8 years ago

Marriage is for sure the way Dr. as this is bibles basic, how to grow two souls in to one, how man can get a real life.
Basically only way man can save a soul, is trought women heart love.
As in the end, God is on the side of women, the some god that is on the side of major relgion… .. just people must remeber, what ever is good is often surrounded by something else, to make outsiders se something else.. and to inflatrate that inside.. people often in relgious sircles know who is among them the dark one, even if one pretens to be a priest.. but they wait the right moment, devine promission, to handle them all at once

8 years ago

One time I even felt an orgasm out of my forehead! I was mediating on the beach at night!!! It felt exactly the same as if it came from well where you normally orgasm maybe even more pleasurable…. based on what the peladians have said I mean orgasms are really powerful, and they feel great!!! I believe it!

Margus Waffa Meigo
8 years ago
Reply to  Edna

Yes it is possible, with a psychedellics often people , a man can get a near step closer to even start to understand what is normal orgasm for a women, … but it might take some time to get to the sport.. as often there is so much otrher things to learn on these plants.. before we are let near to the pleasure and knowledge .


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