Breast Massage: An Easy Step-By-Step Guide To Healthier, Firmer & More Beautiful Breasts!!
“Your breasts are one of the most sensitive and delicate parts of your body as a woman. Show them a little love with a weekly self massage session, and they will love you in return!”
There are many benefits of regular breast massage, including firmer breasts and balanced hormones, which contributes to enhanced overall breast health.
Studies show that women who wear bras for prolonged periods of time (12 hours or more a day) have a far higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who wear bras for shorter periods of time. This risk is reduced if a woman wears a bra less than 12 hours a day.
However, many women do not want to go without a bra, so what can they do?
They can treat their breasts to a weekly self massage session!
Toxic Buildup in Breast Tissue
The breasts consist of fat and glands mounted by a very delicate system of ligaments.
“The huge network of arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels circulate blood flow, life giving oxygen, and anti-life toxins through the breasts as they do throughout the rest of the body.”
Several studies suggest that constant pressure from a bra may flatten and adversely affect the lymphatic vessels.
The lymphatic vessels in the breast are designed to remove accumulated toxins from the fluid that flows from the breast cells, and into the blood and body. When a lymph vessel is flattened, usually due to prolonged use of bras, the toxins cannot flow naturally.
This eventually leads to a build up of toxins that can cause breast changes and an increased risk of developing breast cancer, among other health issues.
Therapeutic Breast Massage
Breast tissue is very delicate by nature, however, if done properly breast massage is a very beneficial therapeutic option.
“There are many benefits of regular breast massage, including firmer breasts and balanced hormones, which contributes to enhanced overall breast health.”
A massage therapist works on breasts by lightly stretching the lymph vessel walls, which beautifully encourages lymph drainage.
This is also something that you can do yourself.
Such massages have been performed by tantrics in India and Asia for centuries!!
Breast-Self-Massage: A Step-by-Step Guide
Massage oils can be used to prevent friction and discomfort during the massage (do not use mineral-based oils or scented oils).
“When applying oil to the breast do so in circular movements, going from the center of the chest towards the underarm area, using light pressure (about as much pressure as you would to massage your eyelid).”
Step #1: Finger Stroke
Starting at the nipple, use your fingers to make slow, smooth strokes away from the nipple in all directions.
This is the first step, and should never be skipped.
Step #2: Hand Massage
Once the breast is covered with oil, gently knead it by lifting with both hands from the chest and pressing very delicately.
“In addition, with both hands (thumbs above the nipple and forefingers below), carefully twist the breast in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions.”
Note: If you are planning to do at home breast massage, get a book on the subject, or research online for visual instructions.
Step #3: Compression
The last step is a cooling down massage: smooth and stroke the breast with fingertips starting at nipples and going out.
“This will cause compression and encourage the lymph and other fluids to move out of the breast.”
Follow these same exact steps for both breasts, then drink lots of water afterwards, to help flush the fluids from your system.
After Your Session
The first breast massage may be painful, but after a few sessions, you will adjust to it over time.
“Remember, it is important to use minimal pressure during a breast massage. If someone else is doing the massage, be sure to speak up if they are using pressure that is too hard.”
Your breasts are one of the most sensitive and delicate parts of your body as a woman. They are your primal centers of feelings, emotions, nourishment and love. Show them a little love with a weekly self massage session, and they will love you in return!
By Peruquois
Featured Image: William Adolphe Bouguereau | Edited by Chelsie Diadhiou
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Does it make ur boobs get bigger by doin that
It can, Amanda, because it stimulates blood flow/circulation to the area. There are even masks, and different compounds you can make at home to apply to your breasts.
I love coconut oil, as it is very easy to glide onto the skin, and doesn’t dry out quickly, or clog pores, like some lotions do.
Google breast augmentation/massage.
This is something that the nation has made “taboo”, however, it has been common practice in Asia for centuries. I recently began this at my doctor’s recommendation, and I’m no longer needing MRI/Ultrasound/ and Mammograms every 3 months! It works, and it’s very relaxing, whether it’s a self-massage, or if it’s done by a professional.