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The Myth Of The Big Black Penis


About Me

Monique Ruffin is the host, creator and producer of Generation Sex, a web series that creates a safe space to discuss the taboo issues facing both men and women in sexual relationships. She has a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology, has studied under the guidance of Michael Beckwith, and is an accomplished writer and blogger with contributions at Purple Clover, Huffington Post and Mom.me.

Recently I was watching one of the Bethenny of Skinny Girl Cocktails and Real Housewives of New York on Watch What Happens Live, and she asked host Andy Cohen:

“Is it true that black men have bigger penises than white men?”

While not surprised by the question, hearing it from a white woman was somewhat annoying. This idea just perpetuates stereotypes of black men that started when the Europeans set foot in Africa several centuries ago. In the sixteenth century, Europeans generally believed that Africans were primitive and animalistic. They were considered to be a people without God and therefore prone to being uncontrollable sexually. It was also believed that black men had larger penises than white men. Their purported anatomy and inclinations supposedly enticed white women, making black men a threat.

The myth was born with the onset of the slave trade, and still lives today. It’s also propagated by black men and understandably so. Men, all of them, take a great deal of pride in the size of their penises and the ability to satisfy a woman. When I ask a group of black men whether this myth true, nine out of ten say yes and present more than one experience or reason to support their belief. However, when I asked a group of women, of different races, seven out of ten said the myth was true. That number decreased drastically when a group of black women were asked. Only four of ten agreed that black men have larger penises, and the remaining 60 percent were adamant that the myth is false.

For a while I even believed the myth myself.

As a young person—as a child in a black community and while attending a traditionally black college—this myth has been within the consciousness of my environment. At school, there were constant reminders that I was surrounded by young black men with their big penises. Thinking back, all I can say is I’m so happy those early hormone-driven myth-filled experiences are over. For a while I even believed the myth myself. My first boyfriend’s penis was large and curved. My second boyfriend also had a pretty substantial penis, and I was on good streak until college. Until I met Jonathan (whose name I’ve changed to protect the innocent), I believed the myth too.

He was the blackest, most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. I wanted him bad. His skin was dark as night and his body looked like it had been chiseled by Michelangelo himself. He stood about six foot five, and I was silenced by his beauty. He was younger than I by a few years, but that didn’t matter. Finally, after months of flirting, he got on board and in bed. I can only recall that his skin was so dark, I couldn’t see him with the lights off. I didn’t care; I knew how gorgeous he was. But when I touched him, I couldn’t believe how small his penis was. I thought oral sex would remedy the problem. It did not. We never connected sexually again, and I was very sad for us both, but mostly for him.

Now, as an adult and the mother of a black son, I can appreciate the humanity of my lovers beyond the size of their penises and the color of their skin. At nineteen years old, I missed the opportunity to fully love that young man who revealed himself to me so tenderly. I was too busy subjecting myself to ego-driven sex with men who identified themselves way so strongly with their big penises that it didn’t really matter that I was on the other end of it, in pain.

Our lovemaking was amazing, and it was the size of his heart that really penetrated me.

Recently I had a lover, a black man who was probably one of the most well-endowed men I’d ever encountered. His penis was like a piece of art. But much more intriguing was the way this man treated me. He opened doors, touched me lovingly, carried my bags, paid attention to my son, spoke kindly and maturely with me and with everyone he met. Honestly, he made love to me the entire time we were together even before his penis came into play. Our lovemaking was amazing, and it was the size of his heart that really penetrated me. Looking back I was incredible triggered by Bethenny’s question because too I have believed the myth and sought out black men hoping to experience the grand sexual fantasy of being taken by the Mandingo with the big penis. In each experience before recent years I missed the opportunity to connect, give love and share humanity. I apologize.

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Dakila Isagani-Jazeera
Dakila Isagani-Jazeera
8 years ago

Idk why Im attracted to black.. >.< I almost fantasize em. I've never met one..

Dakila Isagani-Jazeera
Dakila Isagani-Jazeera
8 years ago

Damn.. I have fantasies about black men.. Idk why Im so attracted to em. Im asian and have never met a black man..

Gregory Chandler
Gregory Chandler
8 years ago

It is unknown why people continue to say that the large black penis is a myth. The medical and non-medical evidence shows that black–men and women–have large genitalia as a group. It is clear that different racial and ethnic groups have variations in hair, lips, eyes, noses, etc. Most of these differences are explained by factors such as climate and food supply. In addition, these differences are noted in animals. For example, African elephants tend to have bigger ears than Asian elephants. Many people try to avoid the fact of a large black penis by pointing out that some black men have a smaller penis than some white men. That, however, is a focus on individuals rather than groups. As a factual matter, the evidence is that different racial groups have physical variations.

8 years ago

And yet, not a single piece of evidence to back up your claims. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_penis_size#Size_and_race

Gregory Chandler
Gregory Chandler
7 years ago
Reply to  Rudrani

Rudrani. Evidence. Please note that the World Health Organization mandates a different size of condom be stockpiled for different regions of the world. You can research World Health Organization and the terms “regional or ethnic differences in erect penis size.” Many individuals have attempted to inform that the difference in penis size is a myth. Despite this constant propaganda, the evidence is that there is a difference in the genitalia among different races. As for experience, I have enjoyed being with females from different racial groups. There is a genitalia size difference between the various races of females. You have been given evidence. You can do further research. CHEERS !!!!

Some thing is wrong here
Some thing is wrong here
8 years ago

Can’t but ask….but do you know from experience? lol

Henry Vortex
Henry Vortex
8 years ago

I think is article must have been written by a white girl, cause is false, I also believed the myth to be bullshit, until been in the army, those guys have mountruos cocks, they could kill a white chick with such things.

8 years ago

Ok so i ll have to rytype …I had my first experience with a black girl it was incredible…we are dating and have had pillow talk lately and it was brought up , she asked why i never had a black girl before i replied thinking they were all huge , she has datedmostly black and says that she has many black smallones , some average and some huge …Now according to her i ranked up there not huge but in the bigger category …i decided to check my stats online and these websites say i am in he toppercent when it comes to length and girth , i am a little over 8 inches and 6 in girth ..wich honestly i think is average or a little above average could she be lying to me to make me feel better….The other thing she said wich is a valid point is that black men or men in general with bigger size are more likely to approach a woman , so hence a girl or white girl that thinks all black men are huge cause everyone she has been with is huge is just misinformed becasue the black guys with smaller ones or avergae may not approach a white girl thinking he wont live up to the stereotype ..that made sense in a way …. your thoughts

marco polo
marco polo
8 years ago

Black men will always say its true. No it is NOT! The smallest I ever saw was on a skinny black guy. It looked like half of a no.2 pencil. But he acted like it was enormous. A white guy named Ben blonde hair blue eyes also thin had a knee hanger, it was as big around as a grapefruit . He said the majority of women wouldn’t take him on. It literally wouldn’t fit. Alan Iverson and 50 cent have small peens. I also don’t believe white men started the bbc myth. Big and small come in all colors. But to credit black men as more, to me hasn’t panned out.

8 years ago

get over it you self hating stupid bitch, the myth is true

8 years ago
Reply to  Skip

Your masculinity is so fragile. Pathetic.

9 years ago

I liked this article…you got some ‘haters’ in here and that’s okay…you stirred their jealousy and their envy…
I’d like to say that I broke up with a African-American man because he was soooooo big…and I’ve been with mainly African-American men, even African and 1 Italian and all of the African/African American men were big…sorry…you don’t get that big nose, lips, ears and thighs and not the penis…The Italian man was quite hefty, but you know what the myth is about Italians…lol~

marco polo
marco polo
8 years ago
Reply to  herbsistah

I’ve been with black man with big nose lips eyes..he looked like one of the California raisins. It doesn’t matter. He was about 5.5. To deny that all black men are huge is dumb. You must have the internet.!

9 years ago

You didn’t even answer the question. You just basically said that it doesn’t matter what the size is then went off about how it pretty much matters to you what the size is. You had to make a point to talk about how wonderfully beautiful the penis was on your most recent lover.

If you wanted to make the point you were attempting to make, that wouldn’t even have been brought up and definitely not the first thing you say. It’s like you don’t want anyone to think you would screw a guy with a small penis even though it doesn’t matter. Your ego got in the way. You could have just said he has all of those great qualities and that his penis size didn’t even matter.

But it does matter to you and that’s ok, but just be genuine about it.

9 years ago

There is no way to enlarge a man’s penis. Whatever size of the penis that a man is born with is what he will always have.

Sean Arasu
Sean Arasu
9 years ago
Reply to  whitemocha89


Emily Anderson
Emily Anderson
9 years ago


Diane W.
Diane W.
9 years ago

Most intelligent women already know that it is a complete myth; however, as you wrote, black men, ignorant people and the porn industry do continue to perpetuate the silly myth.

8 years ago
Reply to  Diane W.

u sound like a fool. u must be a racist white bitch jealous cause u got that little pink dick going in you. the myth is completely true, and any sexually active person who has been with males of different races or been in any fuckin locker room, knows its true

8 years ago
Reply to  Skip

You sound really defensive.

marco polo
marco polo
8 years ago
Reply to  Skip

Why are you so offended? Tootsie roll?

George Pasteur
George Pasteur
9 years ago

Basically, size is only one factor. Health is also important. More men should use a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to address issues like persistent odor, dry/flaky skin,
loss of sensation, etc.

10 years ago

What a poorly written article. Your grammar is atrocious and your piece lacks depth and continuity.

Anyway, the question you asked was “Is it true that black men have bigger penises than white men?” then nowhere in the article did you even answer your own question.

Secondly your experience can be summed up like this
1.My first boyfriend’s penis was large and curved.
2. My second boyfriend also had a pretty substantial penis
3. At nineteen years old you were chasing big dick guys
4. You then met one guy in college who had a small dick
5. Then you had a lover who was probably one of the most well-endowed men

So according to your own experience the myth is true then. Black men got big dicks.

Diane W.
Diane W.
9 years ago
Reply to  Wil


You actually proved her point without realizing it. 😉 For example, she wrote that the myth is perpetuated by black men such as yourself. She appears to be correct!

In addition, nowhere in your comment did you give empirical evidence to support your assertion that “Black men got big dicks”. Yet you came to that conclusion based off your own biases.

P.S. She did mention that the “guy she meant in college” was a black man who had a very small penis.

9 years ago
Reply to  Wil

Wil – I will disagree. Not that you have a good command of Grammar too, you totally missed the relevance and the subject matter. It could only seem that you have a small penis. Take heart it’s not the end of the world. It depends solely on your experience and how you use it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Mitilar

No, he’s absolutely right. She presented a question and nowhere in the article did she address it. In fact, she talked about several black men that she was with that had large penises. She should have titled the article differently like “Size doesn’t matter…just kidding it totally does…oh and it’s nice if they can treat you well too” and that would have been an absolutely accurate title for what was written.

8 years ago
Reply to  Wil

It’s astonishing that you seem incapable of realising what she was saying, that you had to back up your claims with empirical evidence, not anecdotes.

10 years ago

I am so glad this myth was laid to rest. Now we can go back to the myth of the Jewish penis, very popular in the 1920’s and ’30’s. I’m a little sad the myth of the Jewish penis got supplanted by the myth of the black penis, but, I suppose, that’s progress.

9 years ago
Reply to  Silenus

What is the myth regarding the Jewish man’s penis?


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