These Women Show Their Naked Boobs, Butts & Bellies (You Have Never Seen Anything More Authentic Then This)
“I have come to drag you out of yourself, and take you in my heart. I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had and lift you like a prayer to the sky” ~ Rumi
My breasts & belly changed after pregnancy. They have become softer. They aren’t as taut as before pregnancy anymore. For a while I felt like I did not fit anymore in the category “perfect body”. I felt insecure about my body and this insecurity influenced the way I carried myself, my radiance & my sexual openness.
I did the inner work, I gave my body love by working out every day, changed my diet to a diet of fresh and unprocessed foods and taught myself techniques like breast massage & yoni core strength techniques.
In a world where media seems obsessed with taut, young, flawless bodies it is rare to find authentic, raw & real bodies and women as you can see in the following pictures.
It seems easier to pay money for surgery then re-learning to love an aging or post-pregnant body. But these are real women. This is real life.
Which picture touches you the most? Let me know in the comments below. (Mine is the last one. You ll know why when you see it)
#1 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#2 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#3 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#4 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#5 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#6 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#7 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#8 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#9 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#10 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#11 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#12 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#13 LOVE YOUR BODY (Jade Beall Photography)
#14 I Couldn’t Hold Back My Tears When I Saw This
[sociallocker id=”1446″] [/sociallocker]About The Amazing Photographer
“The photographer Jade Beall is a world-renown Photographer specializing in truthful images of women to inspire feeling irreplaceably beautiful as a counter-balance to the airbrushed photoshopped imagery that dominates main stream media. Jade’s book series and media platform feature untouched photos of women alongside their stories of their journeys to build self-esteem in a world that thrives off women feeling insecure. Jade’s dream is to inspire future generations of women to be free from the unnecessary self-suffering and embrace their beauty just as they are.”
Please visit her website & support her by spreading her pictures & message.
All Photo Credits to Jade Beall Photography
Much love, Adina
P.s. If you want to know how real & authentic women take care of their intimate body check out this ancient secret.
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Amazing powerful beautiful. .wow. these photos just woke me up! For Real. I am almost a month healing from birthing my 3rd perfect miracle…and I have been so neglectful of myself..and ashamed to say I haven’t even gotten up the courage to even glance at my downtown lady love. 🙁 I have been lost in the shallow end of my mind, grieving, mourning the loss of her beauty…when I should have been praising her as a heroic fierce life giving warrior! I haven’t even trimmed the hedges in 2months!…I’ve literally been cowardly hiding her away, to protect my ego..ick. To nite tho we are both still far from healed….She is getting pampered and groomed and admired and outwardly lovingly caressed.. I t time to stop hiding and mourning and start celebrating the end of this long journey and acknowledge the mind blowing feat we just accomplished 🙂
Yes I am a newbie here..but obsessive freak out of vanity today actually yielded fruit! some how brought me here to this site.. I’m so happy to have found my way here…so much that vibes with my core values and so much knowledge and wisdom to absorb..truly grateful ????
Thank you so much for sharing <3 You are a beautiful soul.
Love it or leave it, ladies…Your old man, too!
WOW….TY TY TY NEED more photos of the REAl female body….I love this
Beautiful as nature intended
Gail and Nicole, your posts touched me. I too feel in the exact same boat!
My only difference is, before my son, I was bigger, but everything… was proportioned I guess? I actually lost weight during pregnancy because I was sick right up until 2 days after he was born. But due to the stretching from him, and the rapid weight drop, I’m left with a fanny pack looking flap over my already big belly. My son is 18 months, and people I haven’t seen in months are asking me if he’s excited to be a big brother now, or if I know what I’m having. 🙁
Those who love me, friends, family, husband, tell me I’m beautiful, and I see it in my husband’s reaction to me, but I just can’t stop looking at myself and thinking ‘YECH’. I eat healthy, and exercise as much as I can between working full time and being the best mom I can be… Weight has not gone anywhere, and I’m seeing all these moms who’ve had their babes after me all nice and tight and I’m thinking.. okay what’s wrong with me?
The only consolation I have, is that I look at you two (obviously not naked!) and I see beautiful women! My mom has a ridiculously wrinkled floppy belly (she used to tease her nephew it was the cookie monster when he was a toddler) and I see her as incredibly beautiful. So then I can almost trick myself into thinking… am..I…maybe beautiful too?
I love all of these bodies! Women with curves are the sexiest….
Great photography. Married now thirty four years. My beautiful wife is the mother of eight children. Every single photo is an exact phase her body has been through. There isn’t a day that goes by without me telling her how gorgeous she is,inside and out. Menopause has heaped a little weight on her. But she still turns me on . Thanks to the Ladies for showing how beautiful women are at every stage in life. God bless all
I just wanted to say that I feel the exact same way. As soon as I started reading your comment I felt as tho I was reading about myself. I feel your agony and uncomfortability. I too have never been thin. After having my child 7 years ago my stupid stomach was completely wrecked!!!! I hate looking at myself and I don’t know how my husband can even look at it and not puke his guts out. I have cried over it and been depressed because of it. I can’t afford surgery either. No amount of exercise will make it go away. It will always be there, I guess my only hope is that it doesn’t get worse. I know you posted this comment a while ago. You are not alone. It is kind of comforting to know that I am not the only woman who faces this. I hope you are doing well.
Yes I am doing ok. Same ol same ol I guess.. I have started using Alli again in hopes of losing the weight I gained due to new medications I am on.. I worked for me in the past so I am hoping I can drop about 15 lbs this summer.. Although I really need to lose about 50 or so LOL.. Baby steps I guess. Just when I think I am ok with being big I get very depressed and realize I am NOT ok with it, I just want to be “normal” sized ( whatever that size may be ). It is so sad knowing you are pretty but because you are over weight eyes slide over you like you are covered in bacon grease.. So many times I see men look at my face and show interest only to look down and immediately look away like I don’t exist anymore in their eyes. I hope heaven is better than this..
I love how the milk comes out of the other breats in #10. I always felt uncomfortable when this happened to me, but when you see it in another person it is actually beautiful.
Why on Earth have I never before seen this in another woman? Why do we do this behind closed doors? I think I would have been more comfortable doing completely normal stuff such as feeding my daughter, if I had seen other women doing this before. Why do we hide our body functions? I mean, we got boobs for feeding babies, everyone knows that, but somehow it’s more acceptable seeing a man peeing in public than a woman feeding.
I would love to have a photograph like #1 taken with my children
I think some of the pictures are inappropriate.
Inappropriate for what?
I can’t get over photo #s 1, 11 and 13. The children holding their mother and loving where their mother kept them safe for 9 months. The mother nursing her child as a drop of milk comes from her breast. A mother and daughter hugging. The mother showing how she loves her body because it gave life to her daughter and teaching her daughter to love
her body too. Very powerful and meaningful images. Just BEAUTIFUL!
I like all nipples. And boobs they are all beautiful. And fun to play. With
Dude here commenting: All beautiful bodies. None are obese which is not beautiful. Sorry if that gets me some hate but it is just how my attraction is wired. I like curves and when a women is so fat she is built like a barell it does not work for me. Men so fat they look pregnant must be a turn off to all these women who are sexy and enjoy being women enough to avoid obesity. I am so glad I can appreciate a woman’s beauty despite how they seem to feel about themselves. As a people photographer I deal with this issue often and it frustrates me. Ladies, read this and really think about it:
“Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another.”― H.L. Mencken
The title bothers me. It’s *than*.
Not one dude commented?
Hi Gail,
I believe somebody can halp you. If you want, send me a line.
I wish that i had this strength…. i don’t find my body beautiful and I’m scared of showing any parts of it. Good for them that they can do so, and so beautifully.
All beautiful woman! But none with saggy downward facing(mine are now from nursing 🙁 …) nipples.. I HAtE my boobs I would give anything to have even sagging boobs with normal nipples
I have one child and my nipples points directly down (Im 34). Before child, they would point down but not completely down like now. I understand, I wish I had nipples that would just be centered. When I breastfed my daughter, I had to pick the breast up and pull back for her to latch and not suffocate her with my breast. I used to be jealous of women wo can hold there baby with one hand, nursing, and the other hand free… I had no hands. It sucked. SIGH.
OMG!! #9 and #11 is me!! stretch marks, cellulite and flat boobies! Woohoo!!
10 and 11. I feel like I’m looking at myself on number 11. This gave me confidence(: