This Is The New Plus-Size? Are You Kidding Me? Did I Miss Out On Something?
So according to the magazine Cosmopolitan this is the new plus-size model. Right. Yes. Of course, she is plus-size. So if she is plus-size what does normal size look like?
No wonders this society is screwed up if the media declares this as Plus-Size.
This picture too became super viral on my Facebook Wall. For good reason.
You have to check this out:
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How does this make you feel?
Much love, Adina
P.s. Please share this with your friends. It is crucial that we help this society to create a healthy natural image of the female body. I am sure Cosmopolitan did not have any bad intentions, but we have to become more mindful about what we say and how we see women. I am no crazy feminist, but the female body and mind has been exposed to so much mind-manipulation that it is about time reinforce a healthy natural idea of a female’s body. No plastic surgery, no hardcore fancy diets. Just a healthy, mindful life.
P.P.S. If you want to learn how REAL WOMEN take care of their NATURAL Beauty, Sensuality & Sexuality check out this magic.
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Jeez, slacken your harsh there, JhM. She looks to be the age of a soccer mom so, she’s probably up to her eyeballs chasing after kids. She’s not as toned as a gymnast but who is in their middle years? I’m not offended and I might say that I find her very attractive (as if she should even give a crap what I think). Just my take on it.
This is purely ignorant, given the diversity that exists across humanity… To begin one must accept oneself where we are right now. Then we can be transformed in what so ever way we desire. Given the chemicalization of our bodies, and the over use of DRUGS, VACCINES, GMOS, BABY FORMULA, TOXICITY SINCE BEFORE BIRTH, TOXIC WOMBS AND SPERM E.T.C. Skinny DOES NOT = healthy, and everyone responds differently to their environment, this is not even taking into consideration all the abuse we experience… Many times excess fat is a cover/SUBCONSCIOUS PROTECTION, anxiety e.t.c. Its no wonder we are having so many issues physically, and EMOTIONALLY. Be a little more compassionate, and understanding of others peoples sensitivities, struggles and desires to be a better human being, to be accepted, and LOVED…
JhM Beauty is subjective and go fuck yourself. 🙂
Saying someone is plus-sized isn’t the same as saying they’re fat. I’m guessing (because I’m tall too) that she can’t buy pants in most stores. The clothing for average size women would be too short on top, and the length of the pants would be too short….so technically she’s plus sized. I think she looks amazing…..I also think we’re a little hypersensitive when it comes to categorizing people as skinny, plus size, large, fat, curvy, whatever. I don’t cry when people say I’m tall….and I’m sure this goddess doesn’t give a damn about what people say about plus-sized fashion, she’s getting PAID.
Actually she`s even -too flat- on the bosom for normal sizes… THATS not normal size breasts. They are even -smaller- than most of the healthy women bear… And the other parts of her body MAYBE normal, but slim, but she doesnt even have some buttocks… Completely flat there also. Actually shes a bit masculine by outline. AND a tad slim, but otherwise normal. Theres no any part of this body whats plus size. Wait… I doenst know her height. Maybe the height…
it’s sad but the fact is, in the fashion industry, size 12 and sometimes even size 10 is considered plus size. I know I’m plus size now, but when I was younger I was 140lbs and a size 12. There’s no fricken way I was plus size back then. I wasn’t even pudgy. My body wasn’t perfect, I could have lost a few pounds, but I was not fat or plus size.
She is not a plus-sized, in the idea that while she may wear a size 12 (which is subjective by both country and manufacturer), she is 6’2 inches (74 inches). The average height of American women is 5’4 (64 inches). Taking into account that a standard deviation of height is approx. 3 inches (really, for women it is 2.8), then she is roughly 3.3-3.5 standard deviations outside the normal height range for women. She’s a real outlier in height, so that skews her weight/waist/other ratios immensely. Calling her plus-size is accurate in a sense, because she’s kinda Amazonian in stature. But plus-size in the nomenclature to reflect our idea of larger women who wear sizes 16-20-something? Yeah… not a real accurate reflection.
Thanks for sharing, but I’m not sure what the author is accomplishing by distancing herself from “crazy feminists”. Don’t diminish the feminist implications of what you have posted here. Also, women calling other women crazy just needs to stop, just like body-shaming and calling other women fat needs to stop.
Ummmmm, dont we all need to distance ourselves from hate groups and call out crazy people if they are indeed crazy? There is no group that advocates only for men that has any collective acceptance! Feminism is a toxic ideology that needs to go. Women giving other women a free pass simply because of their biology is the last thing we need! Men need to call out and stop other crazy men just as women need to do the same to their sex! Blaming men for everything is never going to solve anything!
she’s 6’2 180. if that’s not plus size, idk what is.
*sigh* No, that’s nowhere near plus size. Yes, she’s tall and built, but she would be about a size 10, maybe 12. A true plus size is size 16+. Here’s an example, I’m 5’6″ at 145 I was a size 12, and quite frankly in the best shape of my life. Now I’m a size 16/18, barely a plus size, and I KNOW I’m fat. Other than our height, the model and myself are similarly built. I have wide shoulders, narrow arms, long torso, and a big chest. This is what I looked like when I was @ 145 and a size 12. Here’s a fact for you, the store that caters to plus sizes (Lane Bryant) carries size 16 and up. In fact, the size 16 and 18 are actually hard to find, because it’s borderline plus size. So no, this beautiful, healthy, sexy woman is NOT a plus size.
These comments are unreal…I can’t believe that this is ‘plus size’. How does that even happen? What the hell is going on in this country? Eventually we’re all going to look like fucking meth addicts. This is just sick. If you are going to reply to me and tell me this ‘Is actually plus size because ________’ I’m just going to ignore the fact that you even said anything. You will not ever change my mind on what is and is not ‘plus size’.
According to the model, she says she is a size 12, which is technically plus-sized by any standards. However, we all should know that size 8 is considered plus-sized in the modeling industry. The concern here is that we should all be striving to be as healthy as possible, while understanding that NOT ALL WOMEN ARE GOING TO BE A SIZE 2. Just like all men can’t have wash-board abs. Just like some men just don’t have the ability to build up muscle like the latest cookie cutter male model, not all women can rid themselves of the hips they were gifted with. We were all created to be different shapes and sizes, and as long as you are as healthy as you can be, your size shouldn’t matter, because honestly, everyone’s healthiest size is different. There is no one right or wrong size to be.
This isn’t “new” and anyone claiming to be a “scientist” in their bio, as the author has, should have some sort of clue as to what BMI is before writing about simple common sense claiming its outlandish. With america’s obesity problem, people have skewed the idea of what being plus sized is. Most females that claim to be “curvy” are Morbidly obese. People simply have no idea what BMI (body mass index) is anymore, or for that matter have any clue what is or is not, overweight. yes, the picture/link you posted is plus sized.
the curvy woman in the picture, based on her BMI, is in fact, plus sized also. These are not “medias ideas of being skinny” it’s science!
while this picture may not be the nicest of pictures, i’ve seen it on facebook and said to myself “at least someone out there has a clue”.
As someone that isn’t even an author, i’ll back my facts up with proof, unlike this poor excuse for an online article.
these facts are based on the CDC (center for disease control), NOT the media!
that being said, if you’re happy with your body, more power to you! But please, lets be honest, if you’re fat based on science, don’t go acting like a fool trying to get the rest of the world to change their stance on what overweight is just because you simply don’t want to be called “fat”. with my height and weight, i’m bordering on being obese, and guess what, i own up to it.
Amen. I am so sick of this mentality that if you are a healthy weight, you’re too skinny, and real women have curves (fun fact: fat rolls and curves are NOT THE SAME THING!) If we use fat models we will only encourage more people to stay fat, and obesity costs taxpayers more per year than smoking. If women want to be fat, fine, but don’t shame the rest of us who choose to be healthy and have self control. This girl is plus sized because she is on the heavier end of healthy, if not overweight. Unfortunately we’ve become a society that decided the solution to the obesity epidemic was to raise the weight standard for BMI.
You don’t sound healthy, you sound pro ana!! If you know so much about fitness why don’t you post some encouraging comments instead of disrespecting and hating over weight people!! I’m a size two and I share my diet routine openly encouraging anyone
BMI has been dis-proved as totally inaccurate–it doesn’t even account for muscle mass. while i agree with some of your points, that woman is not plus-sized by any standard–except in the modeling industry, she is probably a size four and weighs maybe 130 pounds (idk how tall she is). she is absolutely not “overweight” by any “scientific” standards.
yes many women claim to be “curvy” and complain about unhealthy body standards when they are in fact unhealthy weights. but that doesn’t make this woman overweight. to claim so is ridiculous.
Are you serious nicole? how about instead of arguing whilst having no facts to back you up you do some damn research. the models name is literally right there! Not only is she 6’2 and 180 pounds she is a size 12 not a size 4! Not to mention this photo your saying she looks like a size 4 in was probably photo shopped to high heaven since it was for cosmo. While I would agree that BMI isnt a very good system because despite being and looking healthy i was always considered underweight but in Americas vanity sized clothing (which *SURPISE* is a whole nother crock of bs) I can fit in anything between a 0 and a 3. Do you know why America uses vanity sizing? So girls dont feel bad about their weight and therefore are more likely to buy clothes. Its literally all a fucking sales ploy. No one said that she was unhealthy or fat. They called her a plus sized model and here thats anything over a size 8 and i dont know about you but at about 5ft and 90 pounds that girl would make a dwarf of me. But despite that she looks beautiful happy and PROUD to be a plus sized model. The real problem with america is that so many woman care more about what others think of them than being comfortable in their own skin like this lovely young model is.
If you check her stats she is size 12 UK which is size 8 in American sizes, so to say she is size 12 not 4 is a bit misleading – I’m assuming the previous comment was using US sizing. (I agree with most of what you say though). I think she looks beautiful the size that she is, although I have read articles stating that she wishes the modelling industry would just use models appropriate to the size of clothes/ relevance of the model to the brand etc. not labelling people as plus sized etc. By putting people into these groups it means that people who are the epitome of ‘ideal weight’ as recommended by doctors/ BMI etc (obviously varies alot but usually around a UK size 10/ US 6-8) very seldom get used in the industry as they are not quite slim enough to be regular models while not quite plus sized. In fact a lot of models who have slightly wider bone structure etc find themselves in the position where they have to actively put weight on so they can model as plus sized (including this model). Not, in my opinion, the best message – but then the modelling industry has never really been about health and well being…
This women is at least 145 and thats a healthy weight if she is indeed 6,2!
Look at this link there are people that love themselves and honestly it doesnt matter what all of you prats are saying.
I’m actually pretty confused. I’m 17 and does the media have any idea of the issues they are causing girls today? I can name a girl in my class with an eating disorder or body image distortion for every toe and finger I have. plus some. They don’t realize how painful they are making it for girls to grow up now a days. It took me 17 years to realize I love the beach. I hated it because I thought when I was fat ever since I learned what fat was. It’s not fair that it is impossible to feel slightly secure in yourself even as a little girl anymore. Why do women have these expectations but men do not? Yes they have the pressure to be fit but not to be skinny. Can’t the media either back off or feature real women who have a shape. There is nothing wrong with being skinny as long as the media shows there is nothing wrong with being curvy either. This woman is gorgeous not just because she naturally is, but also because I can’t see her ribs, she’s tall, she has those little things of skin right were her arm meets her armpit, she doesn’t have abs, she has gorgeous thighs and… shall I continue? Why not lay off the skinny thing for a while, media? Before you kill off all you’re younger readers who are desperately trying to meet your outlandish expectations.
Honestly i think woman are beautiful creatures. They can create milk, they can birth children, they endure pain well, and honestly we rock! I dont care what size we are, what we look like. We are cherished creatures that give life to this world and no matter what we look like, we are beautiful. People need to recognize that. Not the fact that our ass is huge or tiny or we have big boobs or flat, or even we have alot of curves. We are what make this world carry on and strive. If it werent for woman, this planet would die. This picture depicts a beautiful model that is healthy and has curves. She is beautiful, but so is all the other woman in this world. No matter race, colour of hair, eyes, big small, boobs, no boobs…. we are woman. Beautiful ! Men should Respect that. Listen to your mother!
I will respect someone who has earned it as an individual! Demanding respect simply based off their biology is very very sexist! Honestly, feminists these days are the most sexist creatures in the history of our planet!
Lol at plus-size model. She’s hot as fuck. The skinny twig girls are gross. You can’t bang a skeleton.
That is sooooooooooo NOT PLUS SIZE!!!!!! That was me when I was about 17 before gaining 85lbs having babies and gravity taking over and not being able to get the weight off!!!!! That today is NOT even AVERAGE!!!!! Plus size to me is Any woman size 20 + !!!!!! And Kate Upton being referred to as PLUS SIZE!!!! Not even on a BAD DAY is Kate Upton PLUS SIZED!!!!! I am a big girl over the size of 20, I consider myself PLUS SIZE!!!! Not sizes 16 and under…GIVE ME A GOD DAMNED BREAK!!!!!!
Sigh. I wonder how long people outside the fashion- and modeling-industry will keep getting their knickers in a bunch over a TECHNICAL INDUSTRY TERM USED TO DESCRIBE A MODELS SIZE! God dammit, people!
The term “plus-size” has NOTHING to do with the model being fat, ugly, unattractive, useless, repulsive or whatever other crap I have seen being spewed all over the internet when non-industry people gets all huffed up and tries to link the term to a ton of nonsense.
Kate Upton is considered a plus-size model, for crying out loud! I personally don’t think you will find a more sexy, attractive woman on the planet right now, so stop taking a technical term, quickly defining a model as unable to fit the usual size 6 that you will find on a fashion photo shoot, as something that describes a lot of subjective details about her as a woman. It’s not. It just lets the art director, designer or photographer know, that if they want to use this model, they will need to make sure that they have the clothes that fit, and can’t expect her to slip into the standard size 6 used by models that are not plus-size.
That Cosmo uses a technical term in an article without explaining it is their mistake, but technically they are definitely correct – she is a plus-size model, and a gorgeous one at that.
a size six was the industry standard in the 80’s. Now its a 0, size 2 max.
A size 6 is not small. For a woman who is 5 7, a size 6 is at the heavier end of healthy
Everyone has a different frame, for some people a size 6 looks ideal…stop being such a hater!!
pardon?!………. just, wow
this is nuts. i have been considered thin, even skinny, by everyone around me, all my life (yes, I have been blessed with a fast metabolism and long legs), but I am Bigger than her! I do not consider myself plus sized, not even chubby. Flacidmeat you have got to get a grip, that is a really vulgar comment, and Cosmo you were the one women’s mag that I thought had a wee sense of reality, and I am sadly disappointed. Never gonna pick that up while waiting in the grocery line again.
That woman is DEFINITELY plus sized & could use a diet and the gym. It’s really getting on my nerves that the whole world is trying to convince fat little piggish girls that they’re “beautiful” and decreasing the value of true beautiful hot women.
I’m not advocating long-term bulimia, but there are some chicks that could benefit from a tad of anorexia. Shape up, fat chicks!
Are you kidding me? What are you a 00?! How about you fuck off you dumb bint, Im guessing you’ve never had a weight issue in your life. I hope you gain 50 lbs. Stupid bitch. She is clearly healthy vs the 6ft models that starve themsevles to get nowhere in life then work at a gap after they get too old or gain 5lbs. Take a good look at your life.
Lol… Mustlovecatsndogs is obviously a nasty huge whale. Why are the fatties always the loudest. Go for a run… those Dove commercials were just trying to sell more ice cream to the hogs.
Amen. I’m sick of fat women complaining about those of us who are healthy and have self control. If you’re jealous, do something about it. Shaming healthy women, though, is not going to get you any healthier. And fat rolls are not curves.
Oh so every woman who is over weight is jealous?? Of you?? Are you that full of yourself?? Do you really think that every “over weight” person cares about what us “thin women” look like!! Get a grip!! I’ve been a size two most of my life, if I walked around thinking every person that was bigger than me was jealous of me I would have almost no friends!!
I’m not full of myself. I just have no other explanation for why a fat woman would belittle, ridicule, and attempt to say horrible things about skinny or fit women. “Real men like curves” is simply not true. Real men like whatever they like and most men prefer women who take care of themselves. Unless you have another explanation for it?