The Under F**ked Pussy Epidemic (Every Woman Needs To Read This!!)
“A good orgasm is satisfying, but a great orgasm can be a revelation of your deepest being, unfolding the truth of who you are in ecstatic communion with your lover.” — David Deida
Disconnected from her pussy and from her true self she exhibited self-hatred and shame, she felt embarrassed and lacked confidence, yet tried to hide all of this under a bubbly, loud personality with a beaming smile and flashy sex drive.
Practically throwing herself at men, begging for their attention so she could survive one more day and pretend that for that moment she had love in her life.
The Importance Of High-Quality Orgasms
As I sat there listening to her story, watching the emotions cross over her face I could feel her pain, I found myself wanting to just embrace her and tell her that everything would be okay, but that was the protective mama bear in me.
Instead I chose to be honest and share the facts, “Sounds like you need to be properly f-ked my dear,” is what I responded.
She looked at me and said, “What?”
I restated it, “It sounds like you need to be properly f-ked, I don’t mean go have sex, just some junk food sex, I mean you need some gourmet, yummie, fulfilling f-king. You need an orgasm that fills your whole body.”
She looked at me a bit taken back and then responded with,”Oh I just had sex, I had an orgasm, a good one. It was very good.”
“But was it fulfilling and gourmet?”
“Yes, yes I think it was. Maybe it was not exactly as gourmet as you are speaking of, but it was awesome.”
“Did it fill your whole body with rapture? Were you tingly and full of energy for days to come or did you grow tired and the orgasmic feeling passed through you within a few hours?”
A confused look came upon her face.
Orgasm Is Mandatory For A Woman To Live an Abundant, Happy & Healthy Life
Here is the problem: this world is suffering from the majority of women not having real orgasms, shit most women don’t even have orgasms at all, they fake them, they hide out in their minds and they grow bitter toward life.
Those who do have an orgasm normally rely on a clitorial quick fix or tighten their bodies up so much during an orgasm that it is short lived and never fills their whole being; body, heart and soul.
They lack the orgasmic rapture that they need. Orgasm is mandatory for a woman to live an abundant, happy, healthy, full life. And not just any old orgasm will do this. The deeper, more penetrating an orgasm, the more life and creative energy, love and surrender a woman will bring to the world. To you.
- When her emotions become muted and she is closed, lacking expression toward life she is close to running on empty in her orgasmic bank account.
- When she is overly hateful or stuck in depression, full of what seems to be crazy hormonal ups and downs she is lacking in her orgasmic bank account.
- When she lays down and has sex but is indifferent to what happens in the bedroom or cannot share her desires, her boundaries and her fears she is lacking in her orgasmic bank account and this is where the trouble resides.
The Darkness of Pussy Frustration
Worse yet, she won’t tell you the truth about what is going on because she herself does not understand. Even if she has a clue her voice will be seized by the darkness of her pussy frustration and her ego will have hold of her so strongly that she won’t be capable of vocalizing the unspeakable to you.That unspeakable being that she needs to be f-ked wide open by a man that can penetrate not only her flesh but her heart and soul.
She needs his strength, his firmness, his masculine energy to be unleashed in her at a cellular level and TAKE her beyond the point of no return and right into the heavens of rapture. Only at this level can she trust her man and allow herself once again to be seen.
As Nicole Daedone, author of Slow Sex states,
“Running on empty is not what you want your woman to be, unless you like irritability, impatience, hypersensitivity, and for everything to be your fault. Because in the space between what she asks for and what she really wants, resentment will begin to fester. And you, sir, will be the one she blames.
Find out what she is hungry for, and give it to her. Never accept her first answer. Ask again. And again. Make it a part of your game plan to prod and push until she releases what she is withholding and her desire comes flying out. At first, her desire might sound like anger. She may need to blow off steam. Don’t take it personally, even if she says hurtful things.
“Keep asking until you feel her true desire release. You will feel it in your body when she finally lets go. Regardless of how much resistance she has, don’t stop asking until you feel it. You are helping her unravel a lifetime of conditioning – old beliefs and habits and rules that are suffocating the bright, lovely, sexy woman within.
“That’s the woman you want to be with. So if you have to ask all night, ask all night. You’ll know it when she finally speaks her desire because you will be able to feel it, landing with a satisfying *thunk in your body.
“Then give it to her, and you’ll be giving her the thing she never thought she could get: not just the desire, but approval for having the desire at all. ”
Women: Ask For What You Sexually Want & Need
What Nicole is stating here is the powerful truth and it is hard to understand for many men because men have the ability to state what they need or want clearly most of the time. Men have also been raised differently then women and do not have the same shame placed upon them for wanting or needing sex.
It is expected that a man craves, thinks about and will ask for sex. It is common thought in many marriages and in society that it is the woman’s place “to make sure to keep her man happy, else he will surely stray and find it somewhere else” but for a woman to be open about her cravings labels her a whore or slut.
Even if we are not aware of this low grade consciousness and believe ourselves to be above this sort of thinking, the consciousness and programs still exist for all of us. They lay there in the covers of darkness within our psyche and if we are women they make themselves known pretty quickly as soon as we face our undernourished needs.
[sociallocker id=10825]Ask Your Women What She Desires
So gentlemen or those in the masculine role of the relationship, never stop asking your woman what she desires. Never stop inquiring about her deep hungers. Dig in her cavern and find the treasures she has hidden there, tell her frequently that you love her, that she is your babe, your special lady, your love.
Touch her often and playfully and set aside time to REALLY be with her.
This is not meaning a movie and dinner or even snuggle time on the couch, this means eye to eye, deep focused communication time. Communicate your love with words, looks and touch and ALWAYS keep asking. She will open to you.
[/sociallocker]By Kendal Williams
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[…] me so vastly and fully that we became one in love. Empowering each other with each heart beat and orgasmic rapture. This was indeed a sacred moment. A Sacred Fist […]
Isn’t this like hysteria? The guys that said wandering uterus made women crazy and the only way to cure it is fucking? Lol
Who are the artists of the paintings in this article? Escpecially the last painting.
“Orgasms are like pizza. When it’s good, it’s great, and when it’s bad, well, it’s still pretty good.”
I would like to vomit on her face, its important because it gives me an orgasm.
The sum of one’s happiness is solely the province of the
seeker of happiness.
If you fail to arrive
in this happy kingdom or queendom, it is solely your own failing, fault, or
If anyone IS to blame for unhappiness, feel free to blame
The entire universe (as you know it) starts and ends with
you, so get used to it.
You are the sole singularity in the entire panoply; an
extravagantly indulgent genesis of creation: your life.
If it fails to meet your expectations, come up with better
The universe is already perfect, and gives all to any that
We require nothing from others to arrive in the garden of
Eden, eating the fruit that either
awakens or stupefies us: our choice.
Blaming ones’ own man/woman for ones’ own short-comings/short-cummings
is like blaming the mirror for the booger on your own nose.
Clear the snotty baggage out of your own soul, and love your
lover for who they are, not for who you are not.
You can give it, and you can take it.
Give it, or come get it.
There are the given and there are the taken.
The universe is omni-sexual: You can have your fuck whatever
way you like.
Take happiness in what you give, take pleasure in what you
When the soul and its many openings, opens wide to
extravagant ecstasies and exquisite agonies, the big “O” will take care of
-marco z.
This article is written by a professional writer, so it is important that she spark controversy which prompts readers to comment and discuss.(thereby proving her relevance and marketability to those that keep track of these numbers )
I also felt that she was setting people up to feel inadequate by stating that only gourmet orgasms count. but i realize that she is too smart to actually believe in that statement and understands that it is unprovable. The author knows that making outrageous or polarizing statements will compel us readers to comment.
Any orgasm is a GREAT orgasm. some are greater than others
Sounds to me like a cock talking …
Although positive sexual perceptions and ones ability and quality of sharing sex with another is very important in general, I fail to understand how having a soul-shuddering orgasm has been likened to the only way a woman can experience fulfillment and happiness in life.
I believe a great orgasm can lead to the experience of body/spirit energy connection, I do not think it is the only way to experience this.
Happiness is subjective to ones perceptions on many faculties of life not just sexuality and not excluding those not active participants in heterosexual activity, such as homosexuals, sexually inactive early pubescent adolescents, singles and elderly individuals who, in certain cases no longer have a desire for this connection.
I consider myself to be a very sexually liberated individual and open to many experiences in this regard, but highlighting the orgasm in this regard did not resignate with me.
I see your perspective Chrystal! While you’re right about having soul-shuddering orgasms being not the only way to sublime happiness, I will say that once you experience it, not having it would be tremendously unfulfilling!
Although having a healthy relationship with your sexuality which includes your perceptions of sexuality and how you choose to share this with another, is very important. I fail to understand the conclusion that one must regularly experience a soul-shuddering orgasm to feel happy and fulfilled as a human being or be connected to your femininity as a whole. While wild orgasms are exceptionally wonderful and I believe is one way to connect to our oneness between our bodies and spirit, I’m not sure it is the only way to such an experience. To me the article suggests that the only individuals destined to reach the potential of said happiness are those who are in the hetero community, excluding homosexuals, singles, sexually inactive early pubescent adolescents (I was 12, not probably the best time to be indulging in my awakened desires) and the elderly who in certain cases, no longer desire this physical connection with another.
In my opinion, happiness is subjective to ones perceptions on many faculties of life.
I love the idea behind this article but I feel it excludes many women ~ as a single lesbian I’m totally excluded here ~ I don’t need a man to penetrate me to live a happy, fulfilling life ~ and I don’t need a masculine girlfriend either ~ why such a bias towards standard hetero relationships when so many women don’t fall into this category? why make it seem like single ladies are missing something vital to our well-being? The focus here is just too narrow and definitely not all-inclusive. I do love and value your articles and the work you do, just not this particular one…
If this doesn’t apply to you then why did you even comment? “Oh this isn’t about me!!! I don’t like it!” Lame – She is awesome and this is an all too needed testimony that needs to be more understood by most. not enough of these simple truths are touched on enough – thank you! <3
does it work for you if you replace man for person?
Im not a lesbian and I dont need men for an epic orgasm either. I felt the same thing from this article.
It might better this article if a disclaimer included that she meant women in her feminine essence and man as a masculine essence (whether or not that person has a penis!).
My favourite osho quote so much truth: “When two lovers are making love & if they are both no self, then orgasm happens. then your body energy, your whole being loses all identity – they are no more them selves, they have fallen into the absence . ”
Sexuality is not a goal driven thing …. orgasm is not the goal!
Fortunately Nadine, orgasm and sexuality are not conjoined!
I’m in two minds about this article. On the one hand I do think that some women (and men) would benefit from deeper orgasms, but on the other hand I resent the implication that you HAVE to have these ‘gourmet’ orgasms in order to be happy in life. I call bullshit- orgasming is not the be-all and end-all of sex, and to assume it is puts unfair pressure on the participants who would then feel like failures if their partner was unable to come. Better to just enjoy each other and have fun rather that striving for that orgasm.
Finally, the quote given is, to me anyway, giving the message to men that no doesn’t mean no. It’s basically saying ‘if she says she’s not in the mood, keep pressuring her until she gives in and lets you fuck her’. Is that really the right message to be sending anyone??
Orgasms are literally the end-all of sex, for at least a couple minutes anyway. No one’s assuming anything here. Everybody knows, whether they want to admit it or not, that there is a large mental part of having awesome orgasms, for both parties. If your failing you need more practice or need to be more honest with yourself and your partner, which is part of the message here. I mean what are you trying to do in bed if not make your partner go nuts. And she’s not talking about a man pressuring the woman for sex, that’s not the message at all. Rather, him pushing to know what she really wants when they have sex. Furthermore I feel like this would be a conversation to be had after love making.
While you’re right that having a deep and profound orgasm isn’t the only source of sublime happiness, I will say that experiencing a mind-blowing, whole-bodied, deeply penetrating orgasm and then not experiencing it again would definitely leave you utterly discontent and unfulfilled.
I don’t want to add to the polemic here, but does it mean only hung men can help a woman achieve it?
I don’t want to add to the polemic here, but does that mean that only hung men can help women achieve it? Lol, because even average-sized guys are fucked then.
I don’t understand why my comment doesn’t appear when I post it. No freedom of expression?
You’re totally right!
Beautiful yet painful read…including seems to me as if the whole world knows these mind blowing orgasms, the whole world but me 🙁 I wish this material was out when I was younger. I wish I fought against religious parental “terror”. I wish I experienced good lovemaking ..or heck, any sex prior to getting married young. And how I wish my husband experienced sex himself, prior to getting married…because it just doesnt work. 🙁 no chemistry, no enjoyment, no orgasm and no desire and it has been like this since day one. By now I have given up and retreated into my shell. It is not that I am frigid..I can give myself amazing orgasms for sure and not shy or timid at all.. but I long for this experience with a Man and I fantasise day and night, and the longing is so strong, I often cry half night into my pillow just to begin another dry and empty day again. I sometimes wonder if death and afterlife will make it up to me, some kind of a divine realm where I finally get to experience this rapturous joy, or sexual joy at all. Until then, I remain in a bone dry and sexually frozen marriage – a mom just cannot leave an otherwise good husband and dad for wanting to get finally f**ed good first time in her life…Enjoy your orgasms people, enjoy partnership, experimenting and joy..some of us would happily give up the remainder of their lives for this..and I am being serious.
Maybe a little bit strange to say yrie but the way you talk about the aspects of sex you DONT experience makes you “sound” sexy! Im sure that given the right situation and person you canbe a lot …lot of fun!
Greets from holland..
Suggestions, for what they’re worth:
First, read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. If that doesn’t work then remember, you are free to divorce and find a more willing, compatible life partner. If your current husband can’t be bothered to improve himself, to show he cares for you, why are you there? Leave. Meet someone who wants to be with you and shows it! Good luck!
Yrie, I know of a Tantric Awakening massage experience that teaches you how to have profound and powerful whole-bodied orgasms. Message me
I agree with this article, but it think the part about asking for what you want, should be the first line. We have to quit bullshitting ourselves and our partners, and expecting them to be mind-readers. In our heart of hearts we all know what we want, SAY IT! That’s a big release in itself.
Unfortunately, women who speak their mind and do what they want for their own reasons (ie., sleep with whom she wants without a relationship in return) is condemned and decried in our society. It takes some powerful encouraging and emancipation for a woman to directly state her case and I work very hard to empower my girlfriends to do so. I can tell that you’re one such emancipated person and I’m deeply proud of you!
I have been consitioned, like most men, and am fighting free of it. One of the ways I realized I have been repressed is that I haven’t been able to ask for what I want sexually. Part of this is I have been ashamed of it and to ask, the other thing is the assumption that because I am male, my sexual desires are already evident. I am a little kinky and a little “vanilla”. There’s no “safe” way to share my proclivities and not feel shame, as well as fight the assumptions about what I want to feel sexually fulfilled.
I agree that women should ask for what they want sexually, and express their desires. This is also important for men.
We BOTH need to follow these instructions.
Coming from a mixed cultures background male I came to realized how to achieve a cosmic orgasm with your partner, one must truly be a cheerful giving and expect nothing in return. Also one must surrender themselves to their partner. For instance, the scent of my fiancee pussy drive me crazy! Just the scent alone draws me closer to her in a physical, emotional, and spiritual connection
I know exactly what u are talking about , your whole being feels it and it last for several days awesome feeling
[…] OMing first. After being stroked a woman’s body will be fat with orgasm. If you choose to begin this […]
Just believe in equality, sharing, emotional touching, talking, joking and don’t treat like her like a slave or just a sex partner. she needs a man’s patience, believe, trust etc.