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10 Wicked Reasons You Should Be Masturbating More Often


About Me

Alexandra Jamieson is a functional nutrition coach, chef, and mom. She is the co-creator of the Oscar-nominated documentary Super Size Me, and the author of the new "self-health" book Women, Food & Desire. Alex has been seen on Oprah, Martha Stewart Living, CNN, Fox News, USA Today and People Magazine. Alex offers remarkably sane — and tasty — advice on how to detox, live healthfully and feel fantastic. She lives in Brooklyn where she juggles, somewhat gracefully, raising her 8-year-old son, trying new gluten-free recipes, running her company and riding her bicycle to the food co-op.

Masturbation is both a powerful healer and an incredibly uncomfortable topic to talk about.

Yes, everyone masturbates!

And yes, we should also be doing it more.

According to Indiana University’s National Survey Of Sexual Health And Behavior, more than half of American adults report masturbation between one and four times a week.

Masturbation though has developed a bad reputation mainly because religion and culture tell us it’s a sin. As a result, many of us feel at least some trace of shame, guilt, or even fear when practicing this very natural act.

But with all it’s incredible and scientifically proven benefits it’s time to finally embrace masturbation!

MUST READ: The Incredible Benefits Of Mutual Masturbation

10 Good Reasons To Make Masturbation A Habit


#1 It Makes You Relaxed

According to the 2009 University of Michigan study, orgasms cause the body to release dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin (the “love and bonding” hormone).

The boost of these hormones in turn lowers cortisol, a main stress hormone. Chronically elevated cortisol levels lead to inflammation, stress-eating, insomnia, and weight loss resistance.

This means your pleasure-powered workouts will help lead to a toned body.

#2 It Makes You Eat Healthier

Higher levels of oxytocin make us feel happier, which keeps those emotionally triggered food cravings for sugar, cheese, and other “comfort foods” at bay.

Oxytocin levels are usually increased simply through the physical stimulation of the clitoris, vagina, cervix, and breasts.

So, even if you don’t reach climax, you’ll still release this powerful neurotransmitter.

#3 It Improves Sperm Quality

Why? There is less DNA damage and fewer motility problems with fresh sperm.

#4 It Is Physically Healing


The gut and the mind are inextricably linked. In my book Women, Food, and Desire, I tell the story of a client who wasn’t dating, and wasn’t masturbating.

She had been suffering from bloating, gas, and a frustrating “muffin top” that wouldn’t budge for years. I introduced her to a regular self pleasure routine.

After a couple of weeks of regular self-pleasure, she noticed a marked difference in her digestion, and her bloating had reduced greatly.

#5 It Makes You More Self Confident

Masturbating leads to increased self-confidence and a positive upward spiral of self-care.

When you know what you need to bring yourself pleasure and orgasm, you strengthen your emotional intelligence and connection to your body.

Knowing how your body works and what you’re capable of, regardless of your relationship status, helps you make better decisions and create stronger boundaries about dating and mating.

When you can bring yourself physical pleasure, you don’t need someone else to validate that you’re sexy. You know it.

MUST READ: The Art Of Self Pleasure {4 Unique Ways To Pleasure Yourself}

#6 It Makes You Want More Sex

Another study reveals that sexy daydreams release testosterone in women.

This means that when you read i.e. erotic fiction your body will begin anticipating an encounter, your libido will increase and your juices will literally start flowing.

#7 It Makes You Feel Less Pain

Orgasms (and to a lesser extent simple sexual arousal) increase blood flow to both your brain and reproductive organs, which helps soothe menstrual cramps and headaches.

MUST READ: Painful Period? 6 Natural & Powerful Ways to Liberate Yourself from Period Pain

#8 It Is Kind Of Like Meditating


Sexual pleasure is a great way to clear your mind of excessive anxiety. It brings you to the present moment; kind of like meditating!

The physical release triggers stress relief and can be a great way to get in touch with your body (and out of your head).

Being in the moment, and focusing on what feels physically good to you, is a wonderful intentional practice with many benefits.

MUST READ: 5 Ways Meditation Will Help You Have Mind-Blowing Sex

#9 It Keeps Your Sex Life Alive

Especially if you’re single, or in a long-distance relationship, self-pleasure is a great way to help keep your sexual energy stay alive.

By self-stimulating you’re keeping your reproductive tissues flexible, strong, and healthy. The more solo-sex you have, the more you’ll want sex. This is really helpful for couples that are separated, and for singles looking to keep their sexual energy high.

#10 It Feels Awesome!

Yes it does! .. and we all need more pleasure in our lives, am I right?

By Alexandra Jamieson | Featured Artist: Franz von Bayros | Originally posted on MindBodyGreen

For unique ideas on how to masturbate check out this video…

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Gopi Karthikeyan
Gopi Karthikeyan
9 years ago

Is this for both men women.?

9 years ago

I believe what is said coz its my own experience, you feel fresh after climax, you feel empowered and you want more, more and more:)

9 years ago

Self-confidence? I don’t know about anyone else, but all it does to me is remind me of my flaws.

9 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

That is because your mindset is not on a positive level but in a negative one. The saddest part is that it is NOT your fault but the Medias and Church…You should nip those negative thoughts as soon as you have them! Replace them with good ones, your not flawed my beautiful Jessica you are gorgeous and damn fucking sexy!!!

Harihar Pattnaik
Harihar Pattnaik
8 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

Nice experience

9 years ago

Thanx for such a timely and riveting article .im a 30yrs virgin and i must admit. Im an avid masturbator.i get to enjoy excited orgasm while i wait on marriage.i was one time embarrassed to admit i masturbate but with agei grow domfortable with my sexuality can proudly say woohoo yeah masturbation.And since u can never get enough i think im going to a session in now.SHHH! CYA LATER .LOL

9 years ago

Sperm retention teaching is sexism, men are programmed to be ashamed of their sexuality and needs (such as ejaculation), it’s always been depicted and continues to be depicted as something ugly or at least indicative of a lack of self-control or character, the desire and act of ejaculation is seen as a weakness and subtly informs feelings of guilt and shame. Here’s what worked to cure me from premature ejaculation, instead of tightening up and tensing your body in an attempt to control your ejaculation time make sure you are completely relaxed and OK with whatever is and whatever happens, be present with your sensations but don’t be stuck with your awareness in the most intense region, let it also be open and relaxed. Breathe with the sensations and ALLOW them to be as they are, the closer E-time gets the deeper you let yourself relax and be with your sensations, it’s totaly OK to cum whenever it happens just be there for it, follow it through and be there for it every time. The best is to let a partner pleasure you, simply allow yourself to receive, don’t worry about giving back at this instance (you will both be very happy with the results in the not too distant future), don’t feel shame about not giving in this moment, just relax and be aware of what is happening and if you cum you cum, repeat this as many times you want within any time-period you wish, relaxation is the key here and acclimatizing the body to be relaxed with higher and higher states of arousal. This will naturally lead you to control of your ejaculation and de-stigmatize your feelings about ejaculation allowing you to be totally OK with your sexuality.

Luci Bloom
Luci Bloom
9 years ago
Reply to  Djaodjedjing

Sperm retention is not about shame…it’s about increasing your chi or life force. In men, they lose their vital energy when they ejaculate, so holding off not only increases your energy, but it also teaches men discipline with it so they can give their woman more pleasure and sex becomes much more fulfilling, instead of the western idea that men think they just need to pump away and are obsessed with their own orgasms to the detriment of the woman. There is much literature about this in the tantric world if you care to investigate.

9 years ago
Reply to  Luci Bloom

Thank you, after several years of investigation I have found that destigmatizing ejaculation and practicing relaxation is the most effective method for gaining the level of control that every man desires (for his sake and hers). It wasn’t until I met a woman who could lovingly and unconditionally celebrate my own pleasure without subtle or not so subtle demands about her own pleasure that we could reach new heights or depths of intimacy and ecstasy together. I hear you that some men will pump away and be obsessed with their own orgasm and completely lose touch with what she is feeling, this I believe is often the case with men who have a relatively easy time fucking around (the kind many women inadvertently fall for because there seems to be an element that often makes women want to fuck the guy who’s been around the most). Stop fucking guys like that and go for the loving one who may not put himself out there as much as opposed to the guy who will charm your pants off as soon as he would with anyone hot enough who walks by. The one who cherishes your body so much he can hardly hold it all in (hehe) will, if you give him your love and support, be much more inclined to grow with you sexually and be interested in your pleasure. Of course there’s the guys who are loving and charming (ie confident) but good luck getting to him first. It’s equally the womans responsibility to choose sex that empowers her. As for the stuff about chi and vital energy that is really an unsubstantiated myth, not that chi doesn’t exist (we are energetic beings to the core) but that ejaculation would deplete it. The most life-force depleting is negative emotions and lack of self-worth. Please support, care for and love each other (and your selves) in the moment, just as you are here and now without demands and expectations and marvel at the magic that will unfold in that unfiltered, uncalculating state. Namaste.

Luci Bloom
Luci Bloom
9 years ago
Reply to  Djaodjedjing

I agree it is the womans responsability as well. I personally don’t go for men who only think of their own pleasure. It’s more something younger women experience with 20 something guys who are all about spreading their seed and learn everything they know about sex from crappy porn, so literally have no idea or imagination…or sadder even still, knowledge of their own sexual energy or connection to their bodies.

9 years ago
Reply to  Luci Bloom

Perhaps not a world record but I think I’ve gone about 3-4 months without ejaculation, didn’t make any difference in any way imho. So I let that thought go and decided to focus on being present and self-loving (including loving the other as an aspect of my own self in unity consciousness) so now no matter what there is no guilt and no shame and guess what, much much less of an addiction to ejaculation. I don’t even care if I do it or not in some ways and simply choose not at all to very often because I want to just keep going with the energies building up. Once this level of acceptance is established, naturally one feels like building the vibes and true pleasure comes from witnessing and celebrating the ecstacy of ones lover. The happiness and pride this leaves in it’s wake inspires deeper investigation into the power of intimacy and open-hearted communication on a much deeper level than any self-discipline (ie self-punishment at failure) ever could.

9 years ago
Reply to  Luci Bloom

This is a fair point tbf. As a guy, I try to refrain from masturbation as much as possible. I can see a stark difference in my mental clarity from when I haven’t masturbated in a week, and when I’ve had multiple sex sessions with my other half over a weekend. Sluggish is an understatement.


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