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Top 10 Traits Of A Fully Empowered Woman

About Me

Naia is a passionate pioneer in reestablishing feminine leadership in the world. Her work is centralized around reclaiming the passion, power and pleasure of womanhood. Naia's transformative coaching and workshops reawaken the remembrance of our Divine beauty and power as women, sprouting from a foundation of our inherent sisterhood.

“An empowered woman knows that to own your power, you have to own your sh*t.”

Empowerment is a moment to moment journey that rests on each decision we make.  If we as women can make more decisions from a place of inner strength, we can create a better life, and ultimately, contribute to more empowered gender.

Top 10 Traits Of A Fully Empowered Woman

#1 She Takes Responsibility For Her Life

An empowered woman knows that to own your power, you have to own your sh*t.

She is continually healing, learning and growing at all times.  She uncovers and heals the fears, wounds, sabotaging patterns, and limiting beliefs and that have held her back. She heals her past wounds because she knows that if she doesn’t, she will continue recreating them. She releases unhealthy patterns from her lineage.

She questions the subconscious societal narratives that have limited the role of ‘Woman’ in the world.

Embodiment: Notice when you are acting from a place of fear, a limiting belief, or from someone else’s desires. Challenge yourself to make new choices.  Find the support the and the healing that you need. This can sound overwhelming, but with the right resources to support you, it is well worth it.

#2 She Makes Her Own Rules


Empowered women know that they are are the authors of their own experience.  When you heal and clear old beliefs, programs and patterns that are not your highest truth, you make room for what is.

Embodiment: Decide who you want to be and what you want to create in the world.

Know that you are worthy of having all your desire. Know that it is your birthright to be prosperous, in vibrant health and be surrounded by love.

It is your birthright to live in a free, peaceful and thriving world. Women know how to create this, we just need to believe it first. Don’t forget that we are Creatrixes, Life Givers, and that we have the power of Creation in our wombs. Use it.

#3 She Honors Herself


Empowered women love and honor themselves.  They appreciate their bodies and their cycle.

Embodiment: You are precious. Your body is a miracle. Your cycle is a gift.  You are a beautiful being! Admire your physical beauty. Appreciate the fact that your body is in tune with nature’s cycles. Be proud to be a woman and enjoy these gifts.

You can honor yourself and your body through making positive choices that increase your nourishment and vitality.

Eat foods that make you feel light, energized and powerful. Exercise. Spend time in nature. Rest when you are tired or when you are on your cycle. Have fun in your body through dance or touch. Compliment yourself in the mirror, or create a self-love ritual or letter.

#4 She Lives By Her Inner Compass


An empowered woman listens to, speaks on, and acts from her inner knowing. She trusts her intuition and isn’t afraid to own it.

She doesn’t say I don’t know, because she does.

She is in constant communication with her heart, her womb, and her body. She has learned what it feels like when something feels right, and when something doesn’t.  Sometimes her inner knowing comes in the form of words and other times a feeling. She knows that, however subtle the whispers may be, her inner voice always knows what’s up.

Embodiment: Use your  inner compass to tell you where to put your time and energy, and when to speak up. Trust your bodies intuition and inspirations.

If it makes you feel open, inspired and excited, go for it. If what you are doing makes you feel contracted or closed off, its a clear sign something needs to shift.

 #5 She Values Her Passions

Empowered women value their own passion so much, that they structure their lives around it.

They know that they are worthy of living an inspired and juicy life, and it is up to them to create it.

Embodiment: Act on what you love, and not what you don’t. All the time. No excuses. This goes for relationships, work, hobbies, etc. Your schedule and life should reflect your passions, values and goals. Be patient because this is a continual and evolving process.

Trust that your highest purpose is always sprouted from your greatest passions, and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

Know that the Universe supports you to pursue your greatest joy, and you that are so worthy of that support!  Share your passions with the world, they are your greatest gifts and contributions to the planet.

 #6 She Chooses Empowering Relationships


Empowered women surround themselves with high-quality people who really see them, and support their greatest good.

Embodiment: We teach others how to treat us, and to what degree we allow people into our lives. Choose relationships that reflect your joy, freedom and empowerment.

Choose friends, partners and business connections that allow you to feel seen and appreciated. Choose people who believe in you, bring out your best qualities, and support your dreams.

You deserve to be met. If you aren’t being met in your relationships, do what you need to do to change it.

Find like-minded people that can honor you for who you are and what you bring to the world. You may need to expand beyond your comfort zone by ending a relationship, leaving a job, meeting new people, or moving to a new place.  If so, refer to #8

#7 She Takes a Stand For What She Believes In

An empowered woman knows what she stands for, and so does everyone else. She takes a stand for what she believes in. She embodies her message, and her life is a living testament to her cause.

Embodiment: We are not victims to our circumstance, so take a stand for what is important to you. Speak your truth and set boundaries to protect what you value. This can look like setting boundaries in your schedule, in your relationship, or at your job. It can be fighting for a cause or even starting a business. We create our own rules, remember?

 #8 She Develops A Relationship With Fear


Empowered women are courageous, but not necessarily fearless. A fan once asked India Arie how she made it, and her response was, “I was scared every time, but I did it anyway.

Embodiment: It takes courage to meet your growth edges, and to keep expanding your upper limits. It takes courage to meet your shadow, to take risks, to do things alone, or even to to ask for help.

Have compassion for the part of you that is afraid. Ask yourself, what is the worst thing that could happen if I did this (usually it’s not even that bad).  Acknowledge that you can totally handle that outcome. The more you lovingly accept, yet challenge your fear, the less fear you will have. You can do it!

#9 She Empowers Other Women

We are most empowered when we come together and support one another. One of the most common societal illusions, is that other women are our competition, or that another woman’s beauty and success threatens ours in some way.

NOT TRUE. Jealousy comes from a sense of lack, which is an illusion. There is more than enough time and space for all of us to shine. We are unique in every way, and no one else’s brilliance could possibly compete with our individual gifts and beauty.

Embodiment: If you become aware of some jealousy about another woman, know that you are only seeing a mirror of your own positive qualities. If it is something you haven’t developed yet, thank her internally for showing you what is possible for you too.

The more our sisters shine and succeed, the more we can as well. Lift other women and up and help them to discover their fullest potential.

Supporting and nurturing one another is what women do best. Meet new women, create a gathering, start a meetup group, have accountability meetings, or whatever calls to you. When we join together in the support of sisterhood, anything is possible.

#10 She Owns Her Pleasure


Empowered women know that they are worthy of receiving massive amounts of pleasure, in it’s many forms. They allow themselves to enjoy their food, their sensuality, their bodies, a good book, a beautiful dress, a sunset, or a bouquet of flowers.

They choose relationships that are honoring, nourishing and bring more pleasure to their lives.

Embodiment: Notice how much you are willing to receive from life, and find delightful ways to increase your capacity for experiencing pleasure.

By Naia Leigh

Artist Featured Image: John William Godward


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Sara Sawyer
Sara Sawyer
9 years ago

Beautiful article. Self care during your cycle is key and a lost art. A woman loses anywhere between a drop to two cups of blood during her period. This is a time our culture has forgotten should be set aside for rest and nourishment. For women with extremely heavy flows more rest and more nourishment are neccessary. If a person truly has a severe disorder or illness then clearly this article is not intended for them and the care of their doctor should supersede. It is inappropriate to project ones illness onto the general population. It’s so simple to say, I wish I didn’t have a serious illness so that this aspect if the article could apply to me, it doesn’t, but perhaps the rest does.

9 years ago

100% of empowered women Never call other women bitches.

Bianca Aiono Robertson
Bianca Aiono Robertson
9 years ago

Your body is just a projector screen for your mind – your thoughts and how they play out in your body are interlinked. That is science. It is scientifically proven that our thoughts affect the universe – check out Lynn Taggart of The Field for a great read to give you some insight as to how your thoughts may have been creating this physical reality for you .

9 years ago

This is pretty ablist. Everyone is different, and sometimes people are unlucky. There’s nothing wrong with taking charge of what you can, but there is with victim-blaming.

8 years ago
Reply to  saraeanderson

Brea You say: “come join us in reality”, but I wonder why? it does not seem like a nice place to be your reality. If you need to insult and use abusive language to a person that wrote an article. Many people agree, many don’t. This article is not hurting anyone. Your medicine and science helped you?! well we are all happy for you. All the empowered women are happy when a sister is happy. There is no not need to insult and throw stones at things we do not like or understand. I wish you luck and growth in your path of finding happiness in whichever reality you chose. Peace and Light

9 years ago

As a straight guy with close female friends, I can tell you that so many of the women I know could truly learn from these 10 traits. Thanks for putting this out there.

Naia Leigh
Naia Leigh
9 years ago
Reply to  RT

So true, thank you for your feedback.

Brea Plum
Brea Plum
9 years ago

” Your cycle is a gift.” I shout a fully empowered “BULLSHIT!” to that. For many women it is an agonizing and debilitating burden. The best thing this empowered woman ever did was end it. If I want to cycle, I’ll ride a bike.

Naia Leigh
Naia Leigh
9 years ago
Reply to  Brea Plum

I understand your feelings. It is true for many women their cycle has been a painful challenge. Unfortunately this is due to limiting conditioning around womanhood and the cycle, as well as energetic and subconscious resistance to some aspect of our feminine. If women were simply taught the gifts of the cycle and also had the awareness of the mind/body spirit connection and to work through the blocks that create the pain, they would be able to enjoy it’s benefits. I am happy to hear you are not experiencing the pain anymore, but I do encourage you to uncover the deeper emotional and energetic causes of it. Much love to you and your journey.

Brea Plum
Brea Plum
9 years ago
Reply to  Naia Leigh

No, this is NOT due to “limiting conditioning around womanhood and the cycle”, and that has got to be one of most asinine loads of claptrap I’ve ever heard. It is due to hormone-induced migraines, cramps, heavy flow, debilitating fatigue, backaches, and emotional disturbances. Jesus, you are aware that this is 2015 and there are these things called ‘science’ and ‘medicine’, right? Come join us in reality – we have cookies and birth control pills.

Destiny Waters
Destiny Waters
9 years ago
Reply to  Naia Leigh

My cycle is painful but I have come to understand why… it is also a time where I am more open, and sensitive… I disagree with this comment coming from a person who has suffered much from this, to the point that I do nor fear pain, just because I went through so much, and had to accept it… I would not try to end it, thats the last thing I would do, it would rob me of the opportunity to transcend it, then if it ceases to be that is fine with me, to me it would be similar to a hysterectomy. It would be nice if we as women were respected more, if our cycles were acknowledge, and not something we need to hide… Our blood is not just blood, it is life itself. I don’t understand it all, but as someone who is into the deeper meanings of things- I am learning… I don’t think everyone feels, like this but I do think many of us want to transcend the many mysteries of menstruation, and beyond… To heal the collective wound- because alot of the pain is really suppressed emotions, and generational- passed down. It can really take you deep into your unconscious if you so desire, and uncover many things about yourself… Also, learning how to heal your own]self, because OB/GYNs all they really perscribe is pain killers. I never accepted this as a solution- it has been a quest…There is an excerpt in the book- The Power of Now on this… You can go beyond menstruation or you can continue to be “condemned” by it… I am sure there is so much to discover about “womanhood” and as we continue to “evolve” there will be even more to discover, even more to create and bring anew… I suggest to not drown in your pain, but rather seek to resolve it…

Destiny Waters
Destiny Waters
9 years ago
Reply to  Brea Plum

My cycle is painful but I have come to understand why… it is also a time where I am more open, and sensitive… I disagree with this comment coming from a person who has suffered much from this, to the point that I do nor fear pain, just because I went through so much, and had to accept it… I would not try to end it, thats the last thing I would do, it would rob me of the opportunity to transcend it, then if it ceases to be that is fine with me, to me it would be similar to a hysterectomy. It would be nice if we as women were respected more, if our cycles were acknowledge, and not something we need to hide… Our blood is not just blood, it is life itself. I don’t understand it all, but as someone who is into the deeper meanings of things- I am learning… I don’t think everyone feels, like this but I do think many of us want to transcend the many mysteries of menstruation, and beyond… To heal the collective wound- because alot of the pain is really suppressed emotions, e.t.c. It can really take you deep into your unconscious if you so desire, and uncover many things about yourself… Also, learning how to heal your own]self, because OB/GYNs all they really per]scribe is pain killers. I never accepted this as a solution- it has been a quest…There is an excerpt in the book- The Power of Now on this… You can go beyond menstruation or you can continue to be “condemned” by it… I am sure there is so much to discover about “womanhood” and as we continue to “evolve” there will be even more to discover, even more to create and bring anew… I suggest to not drown in your pain, but rather seek to resolve it…

9 years ago

I love this… and your blog in general. Great stuff!! Xx


Naia Leigh
Naia Leigh
9 years ago

Thank you!

Holly E. Mullin
Holly E. Mullin
9 years ago

Love this.. thank you, sister x

Naia Leigh
Naia Leigh
9 years ago

Much Love


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