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Energy Orgasm 101 [You Have Never Felt Anything Like This Before]

“For this type of orgasm it is not even necessary to take off your clothes…” Think of the best orgasm you’ve ever had. You probably recall waves of bliss radiating out from your genitals, an all too short lived experience. Well, what if I told you that you could have orgasms of ...Read More

This Massage Technique Is A Mind-F*ck! [Hint: Whips and Ropes are Involved]

Once you let go, you begin to find a sense of peace, autonomy, and orgasmic connection to life that eludes so many of us in the modern world. We’ve all been there, the excitement of the early days of the relationship begins to fade, and the sexual repertoire begins to go stale. ...Read More

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Monogamy Is Not For Amateurs [Read This To Find Out If You Are One]

If you want to experience true monogamy you’d better be all in. I have always been a flirt. I love men, I love people, I love life. While most women are looking for ‘the one’, or dream of meeting the man they can share an infinite love story with, I am like ...Read More

Caution! Never Date This Type Of Woman

Image: Dan Dos Santos Don’t date a wild woman. She will set your world on fire She will set your world on fire, if you are brave enough to let her. She will enchant you, fulfill you and challenge you. She wants you to know her, so that you can love her, ...Read More

7 Simple Yoga Poses To Awaken Your Full Sexual Potential

These simple yet sacred yoga poses, can help you get back in touch with your true sexual nature. Sexual energy is the most powerful form of energy we can manifest. Being out of touch with our sexual potential can cause us to feel dissatisfied with our love life, out of touch with ...Read More

My Era Of Sleeping With Dickheads Is Over

Unconscious sex is keeping the planet in a loop of insanity and suffering. The era of me sleeping with dickheads is over. The moment I announced this to my friends they all cheered whoops of joy and choruses of “about times”. Since I was a young girl I desired love so deeply, ...Read More

7 Fantastic Reasons To Start Exercising Your Vagina Today

“These exercises are called Yoga for your yoni and they are awesome.” Womb yoga is a gentle set of movements that support and enhance female reproductive health and wellness. It is a series of yoga postures that engage the entire reproductive, pelvic and perinatal area. Womb yoga can best be described as a ...Read More

Here’s To The Men Who Do Give A F*ck

Here’s to the men who do give a fuck..  Here’s to the men who are learning to get themselves out of the way. Here’s to the men holding space for those around them. Here’s to the men who are facing their darkest selves. Here’s to the men who are facing their light ...Read More

This Ancient Egyptian Sex Technique May Be the Secret to Eternal Life

“The ancient egyptians believed that orgasm is more than just something that feels good and allows procreation…” They believed that an orgasm is sacred! And that if the energy of an orgasm would be harnessed in the right way, it would become a source of infinite pranic energy and thus lead to ...Read More

Why Consciously Awake Women Are Sluts

I remember the first time someone called me a slut. I was 12 years old. It was 7th grade. And I had just completed my usual 7:30am routine in the bathroom mirror. Partial ponytail affixed to head via fuchsia scrunchie? Check. Strawberry ChapStick plus Lisa Frank lip gloss? Double Check. And that day…a fresh ...Read More

8 Things Your Vagina Would Tell You If It Could Speak

I am the most magical place of your body. Think about it: life gets created here. How much love and attention do you give to your vagina? Think about it: Life is created here but this most magical place of our bodies often gets overlooked.. and misunderstood. So I took the time ...Read More

This Sex Can Help You Conceive A Superhuman Baby ✩

If we practice Conscious Conception, it will only take two generations for the world to be completely transformed.   Burning questions regarding our origin have plagued the minds of humankind down the ages. I offer my humble experience with answers to these questions. I have worked intensively with deep Karmic Healing of ...Read More