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Intimate Health Archive

The 3 Most Efficient Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar against Yeast Infection

In my previous article I talked about why Apple Cider Vinegar is such a powerful weapon against vaginal infections. In this blog post you will learn how to use and apply ACV in order to heal a Yeast Infection. Healing Secret: Use Apple Cider Vinegar EVERY DAY There are different ways of ...Read More

4 Reasons Apple Cider Vingar is a Powerful Weapon against Yeast Infection

I get frequently asked if a yeast infection can be cured with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Let me tell you what I have learned over the years: ACV is one of the oldest, most powerful, healing home remedies imaginable ACV is probably the best (and cheapest) detoxifier for your body ACV is ...Read More

10 Ways How to Prevent Vaginal Infection During Pregnancy

In my previous article I talked about the main causes of Vaginal Infections during pregnancy. Now it’s time to talk about solutions. If you want to learn how to heal any type of vaginal infection the natural way I suggest to read my article 12 Ways To Naturally Heal A Vaginal Infection. ...Read More

Expecting and the Unexpected: Vaginal Infections During Pregnancy

Vaginal Infections are a common complaint among pregnant women. Trust me, sweetheart: I have been there. During my pregnancy I went through a glorious yet challenging time with my body. Delicate PH-Level During Pregnancy Causes Overgrowth of Bacteria During pregnancy your bodies’ PH Level is very delicate so that acidic levels can ...Read More

Super Foods for a Happy and Healthy Vagina (Part 1 of 4)

As much as you, I am always always on the lookout for ways to increase my health, fight signs of aging, and better my sex live. For many years I did not know how big the impact of the right foods would be on my health and well-being. The secret to health ...Read More

Even the Vagina Gets Grumpy – 5 Causes of Vaginal Irritation

Over time, we all experience a grumpy vagina. Since she has no words, our vulvas send out signals to let us know something isn’t quite right. Here are 5 common causes of vaginal irritation. Skin Conditions There are several skin conditions which can cause itching and irritation. Similar to the rest of ...Read More

It’s Tough, But do it – Assess Your Risk: STIs

Have you had a hot One-Night Stand lately? Does your partner has sex with other women/men? Did you had a juicy foreplay with a stranger? If you had, you are at risk for a sexually-transmitted infection (STI).  Now, I don’t want to scare you, but the fact is, about 50% of all ...Read More

What Is That? 5 Common Causes of White Discharge

You go to the Ladies’ Room. It’s all pretty mundane…until you wipe. You say to yourself, “What is that? Why do I have this thick, white discharge?” Anything out of the ordinary can be scary. But there are some pretty common causes of white discharge. #1 First, know your body. This could ...Read More

Is It Time? 5 Common Symptoms of Perimenopause

We are female. Most of us have a menstrual cycle; most of us have ovaries. And since we all get older, most of us will eventually experience menopause. But even when that is still a few years away, we begin to experience changes. In understanding your body and the changes that occur ...Read More

Pungent or Pleasant? Sour or Sweet? – A Guide to Improving Smell and Taste Of Your Vagina

Odds are, every woman out there has at one time said to herself, “What’s going on with the smells down there?” When it come to the vagina, there are several things that can have an effect on the odor and taste. First and foremost, it’s important to remember that it is normal ...Read More

The Most Common Vaginal Infections

Ever since you were born, different types of bacteria have been living naturally inside your vagina. Among them are different strains of good bacteria that produce acid to help fight off bacteria, viruses and fungi that should not be living inside your vagina. If your vagina is not getting the correct love ...Read More

6 Natural Ways to Tighten the Vagina & The True Reason for a Loose Vagina

A fulfilled sex life has to do way more with the mind, than with a tight vagina. Read on to find out how to tighten your vagina on a holistic basis. One of the biggest complaints among women is that they feel they have a loose vagina. I hear it all the ...Read More