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Intimate Health Archive

What The F*ck Is Vaginal Steaming?

Pussy spa? Hell yeah! Some call it V-Spa others Yoni Steaming and others Vaginal Steaming.. however you want to call it this treatment works wonders if you want a healthy and juicy vagina. Let’s check it out: Vaginal steaming is an ancient healing technique used to empower, beautify, cleanse, tone, heal and rejuvenate the ...Read More

Menstrual Cycle 101: A Weekly Guide To An Empowered Life

“Did you know that there are actually four distinct phases of your monthly menstrual cycle that have the power to influence your entire life?” After talking to lots of other women, I have come to the conclusion that many of us received a very limited education regarding our menstrual cycles. As girls, ...Read More

The Magical Powers Of Your Menstruation

In today’s society, menstruation is perceived as taboo – shameful and disgusting. People do not feel comfortable talking about it. There are many factors that contribute to the negative feelings around the period, the most poignant of which is that people have been separated from everything that is basic and primal. We ...Read More

Drop Your Drawers! Why The Best Thing About Your Panties Is Taking Them Off

“Sex isn’t the only reason to take your panties off.” For most modern women, panties are an absolutely essential part of their wardrobe. In fact, most can’t imagine leaving home without them! But this now common item as we know it is a fairly modern invention. “During the Victorian Era, women wore ...Read More

The 7 Magical Benefits of SLEEPING NAKED!

“No BS.. sleeping naked makes you happier, healthier, sexier and a little wiser.” Many years ago I could have never imagined sleeping in the nude. I felt better with a bunch of non-breathable fabrics covering my pussy & boobies. But during the last years my life changed – drastically. I became more ...Read More

7 Freakin’ Good Reasons You Should Do NAKED! Yoga

“Practicing nude yoga allows you to accept yourself, flaws and all. You begin to love and appreciate the unique characteristics that make you, You.” Here are 7 freaking good reasons for you to take off your clothes during your next yoga session. #1 Nude Yoga Improves Your Body Image Everyone has parts ...Read More

How A Child Is Born: 25 Breathtaking Photos That Might Make You Cry

“These absolutely incredible photographs were taken with conventional cameras with macro lenses, an endoscope and scanning electron microscope. Pure magic.” Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson spent many years of his life devoted to capturing the creation of a human being – from conception to birth. In association with researchers and with the help of ...Read More

Ever Experienced Pain During Sex? Here’s Why!

Pain during sex is a serious issue. If left untreated, it can lead to an emotional and physical shutdown. Pain during sex is not unusual. It’s called dyspareunia. Studies show that 30 percent of women experience it at some point during their lifetime. But in addition to the physical discomfort, pain during ...Read More

Breast Massage: An Easy Step-By-Step Guide To Healthier, Firmer & More Beautiful Breasts!!

“Your breasts are one of the most sensitive and delicate parts of your body as a woman. Show them a little love with a weekly self massage session, and they will love you in return!” There are many benefits of regular breast massage, including firmer breasts and balanced hormones, which contributes to ...Read More

Free The Boobies!! Why The Best Thing About A Bra Is Taking It Off.

“A woman’s breasts are naturally designed to jiggle, bounce, and sway as she moves. Bras inhibit the natural movement of the breasts, which interferes with the way Mother Nature designed breasts for optimal health.” The bra is a recent invention that burst onto the fashion scene in the late 1800’s, replacing the ...Read More

Driiippp, Mami! 3 Super Simple Ways To Booooost Your Sex Drive

“Symptoms like low libido are your body’s way of telling you there is an imbalance. Ignoring them is not valuing yourself, as a woman or a lover.” Low libido is the most common female sexual complaint worldwide, according to research. Symptoms like low libido are your body’s way of telling you there ...Read More

The Magical Powers of {Breast Milk}

“Tits, boobs, and knockers are just some of the names used to describe breasts – names that are far removed from the source of love & power they were created to embody.” Pornographic descriptions and displays of women’s bodies have misled men and women about the potential of breasts and their power. ...Read More