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Chocolate, Cannabis & Coming: A Magical Recipe to Relieve Menstrual Cramps {The Wild Woman Way}

“The combination of chocolate, cannabis, and a delicious healing orgasm from my partner was one of the most incredible menstrual cramp relieving formulas I had ever experienced.” Some amount of cramping during a woman’s menstrual cycle is normal, but at times it can get very uncomfortable and painful. This is how I ...Read More


“What if I told you it is possible to have an orgasm during childbirth? You read that right: it is possible to orgasm while giving birth! You may be wondering: “How is this possible? How can you have such an experience?” If you want to know how you can experience pleasure during ...Read More

Why Your Stretch Marks Are Badass {.. And How To Love Them}

“There’s nothing wrong with our stretch marks, with our bodies, or with US. Who says they aren’t glitter trails? Who says they do not worship you?” Search online for the term, ‘stretch marks’, and what comes up is: “How to prevent them, treat, or get rid of them.” Here’s a cure. Here’s ...Read More

The Magical Powers Of The Uterus {A Woman’s Most Powerful Organ}

“It is important women become aware of the power, purpose and potential of the amazing uterus, so we can improve and maintain the health and vitality of this wonderful female organ!” We have all been intimately acquainted with the uterus, since the dawn of our lives, whether or not you have one ...Read More

Ovary Breathing: A Powerful Way To Open You To Full-Body Orgasms, Inner Healing & Creativity

“A woman in tune with her ovarian energy has a greater capacity to utilize her fertility and creativity to meet her needs as well as her desires.” During embryological development, all of the eggs that a woman will release in her lifetime are developed while she is in her mothers’ womb. This ...Read More

6 Things {Sexy Consciously Awake} Women Want From Sex

“If you want to be the kind of lover women never forget, then it’s time to seriously educate yourself on the art of sex. An erection is not enough to make us feel the depth of your energetic being as a man, nor to connect us to higher planes.” Contrary to popular ...Read More

The Vulnerability of Penetration

Today, if you are man with any degree of sensitivity, it is a vulnerable thing to penetrate a woman. It stands to reason that in love-making, on the surface at least, it is the woman, ‘the penetrated one’, who holds the vulnerability. After all, having a man push himself into your most ...Read More

The Sacred Sexual Powers Of {TWERKING}

“Go ahead, girl: twerk! This may be the most Spiritual and healing thing you do all day. Yes my dear, twerking is sacred!” Twerking has become popular and well known, thanks to Myley Cyrus and her infamous performance at the 2013 VMA’s. Unfortunately, her embarrassing display has given this ancient dance a ...Read More

WTF??? This Guy Teaches Men How To Sexually Assault Women? {Every Person Need To Read This. This Sh*t Has To Stop}

I’ve come across this very disturbing article on a “zombie” guy named Julien Blanc, who teaches other zombie guys how to emotionally & physically manipulate women into having sex.. some call this sexual abuse. Yes.. and he was teaching it freely ..until a couple of days ago. I usually do not share ...Read More

9 Amaaaazing Nude Yoga Poses {This Is A Must-See!}

“Nakedness is about vulnerability, and vulnerability is where our true power lies.” The clothes we wear allow us to create an image of ourselves we want the world to see. They are like a social armor, offering us a false sense of protection. Without them, we are stripped bare of all the ...Read More

The Awakening Man {A Guide To Become A Conscious & Powerful Man}

“This new warrior is noble and kind-hearted, protective, and honourable. He is also sensitive, yet not fragile. He is conscious, powerful, masculine, and Divine.” There is a newly awakened man emerging in the collective. He has heard the call to a deeper life in which everything is a deeply felt experience and ...Read More

8 Sensual Ways To Become More Orgasmic {And Yes.. It Works}

Many of us women in today’s goal focused world are so stuck in our heads that we are disconnected from our cunts. Our masculine dominant lifestyles have taken us out of alignment with what is both necessary and nourishing to our femininity. Because of this lack of connection to our pussies, many ...Read More